odds 0.4.0

Odds and ends — collection miscellania. Extra functionality for slices (`.find()`, `RevSlice`), strings and other things. Things in odds may move to more appropriate crates if we find them.
Odds and ends — collection miscellania. - Utilities for debug-checked, release-unchecked indexing and slicing - Fixpoint combinator for closures - String and Vec extensions The **odds** crate has the following crate feature flags: - `std-vec` - Enable Vec extensions - Implies `std` - `std-string` - Enable String extensions - Implies `std` - `std` - Enable basic libstd usage. - `unstable`. - Optional. - Requires nightly channel. - Implement the closure traits for **Fix**. If none of the std features are enabled (they are not enabled by default), then the crate is `no_std`. # Rust Version This version of the crate requires Rust 1.15 or later.