openssl-sys 0.3.1

FFI bindings to OpenSSL
#![feature(core, collections, os)]

extern crate "pkg-config" as pkg_config;

use std::os;

fn main() {
    let target = os::getenv("TARGET").unwrap();
    let is_android = target.find_str("android").is_some();

    // Without hackory, pkg-config will only look for host libraries.
    // So, abandon ship if we're cross compiling.
    if !is_android && !pkg_config::target_supported() {
        panic!("unsupported target");

    if pkg_config::find_library("openssl").is_err() {
        let mut flags = if is_android {
            " -l crypto:static -l ssl:static"
        } else {
            " -l crypto -l ssl"

        let win_pos = target.find_str("windows")

        // It's fun, but it looks like win32 and win64 both
        // have all the libs with 32 sufix
        if win_pos.is_some() {
           flags.push_str(" -l gdi32 -l wsock32");

        if is_android {
            let path = os::getenv("OPENSSL_PATH").expect("Android does not provide openssl libraries, please \
                                                          build them yourselves (instructions in the README) \
                                                          and provide their location through $OPENSSL_PATH.");
            flags.push_str(format!(" -L {}", path).as_slice());

        println!("cargo:rustc-flags={}", flags);