oxc_regular_expression 0.57.0

A collection of JavaScript tools written in Rust.
version = "0.57.0"

version = "0.57.0"

version = "0.57.0"

version = "0.57.0"

version = "0.57.0"

features = ["macros"]
version = "0.11.3"

version = "2"

version = "1"

name = "parse_literal"
path = "examples/parse_literal.rs"

name = "regex_visitor"
path = "examples/regex_visitor.rs"

default = []
serialize = ["oxc_allocator/serialize", "oxc_span/serialize", "oxc_estree/serialize"]

doctest = false
name = "oxc_regular_expression"
path = "src/lib.rs"

allow_attributes = "warn"
branches_sharing_code = "allow"
cargo_common_metadata = "allow"
clone_on_ref_ptr = "warn"
cognitive_complexity = "allow"
dbg_macro = "warn"
doc_lazy_continuation = "allow"
doc_markdown = "allow"
empty_drop = "warn"
empty_structs_with_brackets = "warn"
exit = "warn"
fallible_impl_from = "allow"
filetype_is_file = "warn"
fn_params_excessive_bools = "allow"
get_unwrap = "warn"
impl_trait_in_params = "allow"
infinite_loop = "warn"
iter_on_single_items = "warn"
map_with_unused_argument_over_ranges = "warn"
missing_const_for_fn = "allow"
multiple_crate_versions = "allow"
must_use_candidate = "allow"
non_send_fields_in_send_ty = "allow"
option_if_let_else = "allow"
or_fun_call = "allow"
pathbuf_init_then_push = "warn"
print_stderr = "warn"
print_stdout = "warn"
rc_buffer = "warn"
rc_mutex = "warn"
redundant_clone = "warn"
rest_pat_in_fully_bound_structs = "warn"
self_named_module_files = "warn"
significant_drop_in_scrutinee = "warn"
significant_drop_tightening = "allow"
similar_names = "allow"
struct_excessive_bools = "allow"
suspicious_operation_groupings = "warn"
todo = "warn"
too_long_first_doc_paragraph = "warn"
too_many_arguments = "allow"
too_many_lines = "allow"
undocumented_unsafe_blocks = "warn"
unimplemented = "warn"
unnecessary_safety_comment = "warn"
unused_peekable = "warn"
unused_result_ok = "warn"
use_self = "allow"
useless_let_if_seq = "allow"
wildcard_imports = "allow"

level = "warn"
priority = -1

level = "warn"
priority = -1

level = "warn"
priority = -1

level = "warn"
priority = -1

level = "warn"
priority = -1

absolute_paths_not_starting_with_crate = "warn"
non_ascii_idents = "warn"
tail_expr_drop_order = "warn"
unit-bindings = "warn"
unsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn = "warn"
unused_unsafe = "warn"

check-cfg = ["cfg(coverage)", "cfg(coverage_nightly)"]
level = "warn"
priority = 0

authors = ["Boshen <boshenc@gmail.com>", "Oxc contributors"]
autobenches = false
autobins = false
autoexamples = false
autolib = false
autotests = false
build = false
categories = ["compilers", "development-tools", "web-programming"]
description = "A collection of JavaScript tools written in Rust."
edition = "2024"
homepage = "https://oxc.rs"
include = ["/examples", "/src"]
keywords = ["JavaScript", "TypeScript", "linter", "minifier", "parser"]
license = "MIT"
name = "oxc_regular_expression"
publish = true
readme = "README.md"
repository = "https://github.com/oxc-project/oxc"
rust-version = "1.85.0"
version = "0.57.0"