pasetors 0.5.0-alpha.1

PASETO: Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens (in Rust) failed to build pasetors-0.5.0-alpha.1
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Visit the last successful build: pasetors-0.7.2

Tests Documentation Safety Dance MSRV


"Paseto is everything you love about JOSE (JWT, JWE, JWS) without any of the many design deficits that plague the JOSE standards."

PASETO (Platform-Agnostic SEcurity TOkens) are secure stateless tokens. Read more here and at

This library includes:

  • Pure-Rust implementation of the Version 4 and 2 protocol
  • PASERK support (limited amount of PASERK-types)
  • #![no_std] (with default-features disabled) and #![forbid(unsafe_code)]
  • WASM-friendly (wasm32-unknown-unknown using #![no_std])
  • Fuzzing targets
  • Test vectors
  • Usage examples


See usage examples here.


This library has not undergone any third-party security audit. Usage is at own risk.

The ed25519-dalek library, used for public tokens, was included in an audit. The orion library, used for local tokens, has not been audited.

Minimum Supported Rust Version

Rust 1.52 or later is supported however, the majority of testing happens with latest stable Rust.

MSRV may be changed at any point and will not be considered a SemVer breaking change.


Please refer to the list.


pasetors is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.