Rust library to convert a file path from/to slash path
[`path-slash`][crates-io] is a tiny library to convert a file path (e.g. `foo/bar`, `foo\bar` or
`C:\foo\bar`) from/to slash path (e.g. `foo/bar`, `C:/foo/bar`).
On Unix-like OS, path separator is slash `/` by default. One may want to convert a Windows path. But on
Windows, file path separator `\` needs to be replaced with slash `/` (and of course `\`s for escaping
characters should not be replaced).
Supported Rust version is 1.38.0 or later.
This package was inspired by Go's [`path/filepath.FromSlash`](
and [`path/filepath.ToSlash`](
## Usage
`path_slash::PathExt`, `path_slash::PathBufExt` and `path_slash::CowExt` traits are defined. By using them,
`std::path::Path`, `std::path::PathBuf` and `std::borrow::Cow<'_, Path>` gain some methods and associated functions.
- `PathExt`
- `Path::to_slash(&self) -> Option<Cow<'_, Path>>`
- `Path::to_slash_lossy(&self) -> Cow<'_, Path>`
- `PathBufExt`
- `PathBuf::from_slash<S: AsRef<str>>(s: S) -> PathBuf`
- `PathBuf::from_slash_lossy<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(s: S) -> PathBuf`
- `PathBuf::from_backslash<S: AsRef<str>>(s: S) -> PathBuf`
- `PathBuf::from_backslash_lossy<S: AsRef<OsStr>>(s: S) -> PathBuf`
- `PathBuf::to_slash(&self) -> Option<Cow<'_, Path>>`
- `PathBuf::to_slash_lossy(&self) -> Cow<'_, Path>`
- `CowExt`
- `Cow::<Path>::from_slash(s: &str) -> Self`
- `Cow::<Path>::from_slash_lossy(s: &OsStr) -> Self`
- `Cow::<Path>::from_backslash(s: &str) -> Self`
- `Cow::<Path>::from_backslash_lossy(s: &OsStr) -> Self`
fn example_path_ext() {
// Trait for extending std::path::Path
use path_slash::PathExt as _;
let p = Path::from_slash("foo/bar/piyo.txt");
// On Windows
assert_eq!(p, Path::new(r"foo\bar\piyo.txt"));
// Convert to slash path
assert_eq!(p.to_slash().unwrap(), "foo/bar/piyo.txt");
assert_eq!(p.to_slash_lossy(), "foo/bar/piyo.txt");
fn example_pathbuf_ext() {
// Trait for extending std::path::PathBuf
use path_slash::PathBufExt as _;
// On Windows
let p = PathBuf::from_slash("foo/bar/piyo.txt");
assert_eq!(p, PathBuf::from(r"foo\bar\piyo.txt"));
// Convert to slash path
assert_eq!(p.to_slash().unwrap(), "foo/bar/piyo.txt");
assert_eq!(p.to_slash_lossy(), "foo/bar/piyo.txt");
fn example_cow_ext() {
// Trait for extending std::borrow::Cow<'_, Path>
use path_slash::CowExt as _;
let p = Cow::from_slash("foo/bar/piyo.txt");
// On Windows
assert_eq!(p, Cow::Owned(PathBuf::from(r"foo\bar\piyo.txt")));
// On non-Windows
assert_eq!(p, Cow::Borrowed(Path::new("foo/bar/piyo.txt")));
// Convert to slash path
assert_eq!(p.to_slash().unwrap(), "foo/bar/piyo.txt");
assert_eq!(p.to_slash_lossy(), "foo/bar/piyo.txt");
Please read [documents][doc] for more details.
## Installation
Add `path-slash` to dependencies:
path-slash = "0.x"
## License
[the MIT License](LICENSE.txt)