# Persy
[Persy](https://persy.rs) is a transactional storage engine written in rust.
## Install
Add it as dependency of your project:
## Example
Create a new persy file save some data in it and scan it.
use persy::{Persy,Config};
let persy = Persy::open("./open.persy",Config::new())?;
let mut tx = persy.begin()?;
let data = vec![1;20];
tx.insert("seg", &data)?;
let prepared = tx.prepare()?;
for (_id, content) in persy.scan("seg")? {
assert_eq!(content[0], 1);
## Docs
Check the [get started](https://persy.rs/posts/getting-started.html) and the [APIs](https://docs.rs/persy/)
look for all the version on [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/persy)
## Compile The Source
Checkout the source code:
git clone https://gitlab.com/persy/persy.git
Compile and Test
cargo test
## Contacts
Follow Persy on [Mastodon](https://fosstodon.org/@persy_rs) for news and announcements,
join the [#persy_rs:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/!uTwEQyCLprxxbYLvjG:matrix.org?via=matrix.org) for have a chat.
## Contributing
You can find the code on our [Repository](https://gitlab.com/persy/persy) and report any issue
in our [Issues Tracker](https://gitlab.com/persy/persy/-/issues)
If you want to have an active part on the Persy development, you can start from reviewing and suggesting API changes, jump directly to hacking the code or just playing a bit with docs.
If you want a list of possibility you can start from the list of [Good First Issue](https://gitlab.com/persy/persy/-/issues?label_name%5B%5D=Good+First+Issue)