pico-args 0.5.0

An ultra simple CLI arguments parser.
# pico-args
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An ultra simple CLI arguments parser.

If you think that this library doesn't support some feature, it's probably intentional.

- No help generation
- Only flags, options, free arguments and subcommands are supported
- Options can be separated by a space, `=` or nothing. See build features
- Arguments can be in any order
- Non UTF-8 arguments are supported

## Build features

- `eq-separator`

  Allows parsing arguments separated by `=`<br/>
  This feature adds about 1KiB to the resulting binary

- `short-space-opt`

  Makes the space between short keys and their values optional (e.g. `-w10`)<br/>
  If `eq-separator` is enabled, then it takes precedence and the '=' is not included.<br/>
  If `eq-separator` is disabled, then `-K=value` gives an error instead of returning `"=value"`.<br/>
  The optional space is only applicable for short keys because `--keyvalue` would be ambiguous

- `combined-flags`

  Allows combination of flags, e.g. `-abc` instead of `-a -b -c`<br/>
  If `short-space-opt` or `eq-separator` are enabled, you must parse flags after values,
  to prevent ambiguities

## Limitations

The main fundamental limitation of `pico-args` is that it parses arguments in an arbitrary order.
This is because we have a sort of "steaming" API and we don't know all the keys/arguments
beforehand. This could lead to some unexpected behaviors.
Specifically, let's say you have a following arguments:

--arg1 --arg2 value

If your parser tries to parse `--arg1` as key-value first, than its value would be `--arg2`
and not `value`, because the parser simply takes the "next" argument.
A properer parser would knew that `--arg2` is a key and will return an error,
since the value is missing.

If your parser tries to parse `--arg2` as a flag first and then `--arg1` as key-value,
than its value would be `value`, because `--arg2` was already removed by the parser
and the arguments list looks like `--arg1 value` to the parser.

If such behavior is unacceptable to your application, then you have to use a more high-level
arguments parsing library.

## Alternatives

The core idea of `pico-args` is to provide some "sugar" for arguments parsing without
a lot of overhead (binary or compilation time wise).
There are no point in comparing parsing features since `pico-args` supports
only the bare minimum. [Here](https://github.com/rust-cli/argparse-benchmarks-rs)
is a great comparison of various arguments parsing libraries.

## License