pin-project 0.1.6

An attribute that would create a projection struct covering all the fields.
# Unreleased

# 0.1.6 - 2019-01-19

* `unsafe_fields` can now opt-out.

* Add `unsafe_variants` attribute. This attribute is available if pin-project is built with the "unsafe_variants" feature.

# 0.1.5 - 2019-01-17

* Add support for tuple struct to `unsafe_project`

# 0.1.4 - 2019-01-12

* Add options for automatically implementing `Unpin` to both `unsafe_project` and `unsafe_fields`

# 0.1.3 - 2019-01-11

* Fix dependencies

* Add `unsafe_fields` attribute

# 0.1.2 - 2019-01-09

* Improve documentation

# 0.1.1 - 2019-01-08

* Rename from `unsafe_pin_project` to `unsafe_project`

# 0.1.0 - 2019-01-08

Initial release