# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
# Unreleased
- Add `HashSet` and `BTreeSet` support to OpenAPI. [#167](https://github.com/poem-web/poem/pull/167)
- Add `Url` support to OpenAPI. [#168](https://github.com/poem-web/poem/pull/168)
- Remove `OneOf` macro and add `AnyOf` macro.
# [1.2.34] 2022-1-14
- Add `deprecated` attribute to `ApiResponse`'s header field.
# [1.2.33] 2022-1-12
- Fixed the `externalDocs` field name is incorrect in the specification.
# [1.2.32] 2022-1-12
- Add `ToJSON::to_json_string` method.
# [1.2.31] 2022-1-12
- Add support for custom validator.
- Add `external_docs` attribute for some macros.
- Add `ParseFromJSON::parse_from_json_string` method.
# [1.2.29] 2022-1-11
- Add `NewType` macro. [#159](https://github.com/poem-web/poem/issues/159)
# [1.2.27] 2022-1-8
- Add `ResponseContent` macro.
# [1.2.25] 2022-1-4
- Add `deprecated` attribute to `Enum` macro.
# [1.2.24] 2022-1-4
- Add `OpenApiService::summary` method.
# [1.2.21] 2022-1-1
- The `OneOf` macro no longer automatically implements `serde::Serialize` and `serde::Deserialize` traits.
# [1.2.20] 2021-12-31
- The `Object` macro no longer automatically implements `serde::Serialize` and `serde::Deserialize` traits.
# [1.2.18] 2021-12-31
- Fix generates a field with #[oai(default)] marked as required even though it isn't. [#145](https://github.com/poem-web/poem/issues/145)
# [1.2.17] 2021-12-29
- Add `EventStream::keep_alive` method.
# [1.2.11] 2021-12-27
- Remove the `OpenApi::combine` method, `OpenApiSerice::new` can be passed a tuple to combine multiple API objects.
# [1.2.10] 2021-12-26
- The `content_type` attribute of the `ApiRequest` macro supports wildcards.
- Add `EventStream` payload.
- Implement `Type` for `serde_json::Value`.
enum UploadImageRequest {
#[oai(content_type = "image/jpeg")]
#[oai(content_type = "image/png")]
#[oai(content_type = "image/*")]
# [1.2.8] 2021-12-21
- Added the `content_type` attribute to the `ApiRequest` and `ApiResponse` macros to specify the content type of the request or response.
- Panic occurs when a duplicate operation id is detected.
- Add `OpenApiService::external_document` method to referencing an external resource for extended documentation.
- Add `Webhook` macro to define webhooks.
- Implement `OpenApi` for `()` to define an empty APIs.
# [1.2.7] 2021-12-19
- Make the `OpenAPI` macro can now report duplicate routing errors.
# [1.2.4] 2021-12-18
- Fix the parameter validator will cause compilation failure in some cases.
# [1.2.4] 2021-12-17
- Add `remote` attribute to `Enum` macro.
- Remove the `BinaryStream` type, use `poem::Body` instead.
- Do not rename any types by default. [#128](https://github.com/poem-web/poem/issues/128)
# [1.1.1] 2021-12-12
- Add `BinaryStream::from_bytes_stream` and `BinaryStream::to_bytes_stream` methods.
# [1.0.51] 2021-12-12
- Add some methods to specify more API metadata.
- Add `Response` type, use it to modify the status code and HTTP headers.
# [1.0.50] 2021-12-11
- impl `ParseFromParameter` for [T; const LEN: usize].
- Add `example` attribute for `Object` macro.
- Add `deny_unknown_fields` attribute for `Object` and `Multipart` macros.
# [1.0.49] 2021-12-10
- Add `Email`/`Hostname` types.
- Integrate with the `regex`, `uuid`.
- Implement `Type` for `Uri`.
- Implement `Type` for `DateTime<Utc>` and `DateTime<Local>`.
- Add support for [Redoc](https://github.com/Redocly/redoc).
# [1.0.48] 2021-12-10
- Remove the `PoemExtractor` type because it is no longer needed.
# [1.0.47] 2021-12-10
- Add `Attachment` payload for download file.
- Added `BinaryStream` to support streaming payload.
# [1.0.46] 2021-12-10
- Change the default renaming rule of enum items from `ScreamingSnake` to `Pascal`.
# [1.0.45] 2021-12-09
- Remove the `desc` attribute of the response header in `ApiResponse` macro, and use rustdoc to add the header description.
- Implement `ParseFromParameter` for `Vec<T>`.
# [1.0.44] 2021-12-08
- Remove the `list` attribute of the validator, it is no longer needed.
- Add `maxProperties` and `minProperties` validators.
- Add support to API operation with optional payload.
- Add support to API responses with optional header.
# [1.0.43] 2021-12-07
- Change the schema type of enum to `string` [#121](https://github.com/poem-web/poem/issues/121)
# [1.0.42] 2021-12-07
- Implement `Type` for `&[T]`, `&T` and `[T; const N: usize]`.
- Add support for returning references from API operation functions.
# [1.0.41] 2021-12-07
- Fixed the bug that `Arc`, `Box`, `BTreeMap` and `HashMap` did not register subtypes.
# [1.0.40] 2021-12-07
- Add support for `additionalProperties`.
# [1.0.39] 2021-12-07
- Rework implement `Type` for `HashMap` and `BTreeMap`.
# [1.0.38] 2021-12-07
- Implement `Type` for `Box<T>`, `Arc<T>`, `HashMap<K, V>` and `BTreeMap<K, V>`. [#116](https://github.com/poem-web/poem/issues/116)
# [1.0.37] 2021-12-06
- Add support for [RapiDoc](https://github.com/mrin9/RapiDoc).
- Remove the `desc` attribute of the operation parameter in `OpenAPI` macro, and use rustdoc to add the parameter description.
# [1.0.35] 2021-12-05
- If a OpenAPI name conflict is detected when creating schema, it will cause panic.
# [1.0.33] 2021-11-30
- Remove `akasma` from dependencies.
- # [1.0.31] 2021-11-30
- `#[oai(validator(list))]` no longer applies to `max_items`, `min_items` and `unique_items`.
# [1.0.29] 2021-11-22
- Add `list` attribute to the validator.
- Rework `OpenAPI` macro.
# [1.0.28] 2021-11-17
- Omit empty security schemas from OpenAPI document. [#93](https://github.com/poem-web/poem/pull/93)
# [1.0.27] 2021-11-16
- Description is a required field for responses. [#86](https://github.com/poem-web/poem/issues/86)
# [1.0.26] 2021-11-15
- Add `version` and `title` parameters to `OpenAPIService::new`. [#87](https://github.com/poem-web/poem/issues/87)
# [1.0.19] 2021-11-03
- Add `checker` attribute for `SecurityScheme` macro.
- Use Rust 2021 edition.
# [1.0.18] 2021-11-02
- Some configurations no longer need `'static`.
# [1.0.12] 2021-10-27
- Correctly determine the type of payload.
# [1.0.11] 2021-10-27
- Bump `poem` to `1.0.11`.
# [1.0.10] 2021-10-26
- Make the return type of operation function more flexible.
# [1.0.9] 2021-10-26
- Add `Any` type.
# [1.0.8] 2021-10-25
- Add `read_only_all` and `write_only_all` to `ObjectArgs`. [#71](https://github.com/poem-web/poem/pull/71)
# [1.0.7] 2021-10-21
- Fix Json parsing not working for unsigned integers. [#68](https://github.com/poem-web/poem/pull/68)
# [1.0.4] 2021-10-15
- Bump `poem` from `1.0.3` to `1.0.4`.
# [1.0.3] 2021-10-14
- Add `prefix_path` and `tag` attributes for `#[OpenApi]`. [#57](https://github.com/poem-web/poem/pull/57)
- `OpenApiService::swagger_ui` method no longer needs the `absolute_uri` parameter.
- Add `inline` attribute for `Object` macro.
- Add generic support for `ApiRequest` and `ApiResponse` macros.
## [1.0.2] 2021-10-11
- Add `write_only` and `read_only` attributes for object fields.
- Add `OpenApiService::spec` method to get the generated OAS specification file.
- Implements `Default` trait for `poem_openapi::types::multipart::JsonField<T>`.
- Implements `ParseFromMultipartField` for some types.
## [1.0.1] 2021-10-10
- Add `Request::remote_addr` method.