polkadot 21.0.0

Implementation of a `https://polkadot.network` node in Rust based on the Substrate framework.
status = "actively-developed"

name = "polkadot"
path = "src/main.rs"

name = "polkadot-execute-worker"
path = "src/bin/execute-worker.rs"

name = "polkadot-prepare-worker"
path = "src/bin/prepare-worker.rs"

default-features = true
version = "11.0.0"

default-features = false
version = "0.6.3"

default-features = true
features = ["rococo-native", "westend-native"]
version = "22.0.0"

default-features = true
version = "21.0.0"

default-features = true
version = "17.0.0"

default-features = true
version = "17.0.0"

default-features = true
version = "17.0.0"

default-features = true
version = "21.0.0"

features = ["unprefixed_malloc_on_supported_platforms"]
optional = true
version = "0.5.0"

version = "2.0.14"

features = ["signal"]
version = "0.28.0"

version = "3.8.1"

default-features = true
version = "1.40.0"

ci-only-tests = ["polkadot-node-core-pvf/ci-only-tests"]
fast-runtime = ["polkadot-cli/fast-runtime"]
jemalloc-allocator = ["dep:tikv-jemallocator", "polkadot-node-core-pvf-prepare-worker/jemalloc-allocator", "polkadot-node-core-pvf/jemalloc-allocator", "polkadot-overseer/jemalloc-allocator"]
metadata-hash = ["polkadot-cli/metadata-hash"]
pyroscope = ["polkadot-cli/pyroscope"]
runtime-benchmarks = ["polkadot-cli/runtime-benchmarks"]
runtime-metrics = ["polkadot-cli/runtime-metrics"]
try-runtime = ["polkadot-cli/try-runtime"]

level = "allow"
priority = 0

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "warn"
priority = 1

level = "warn"
priority = 1

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

level = "allow"
priority = 2

check-cfg = ['cfg(build_opt_level, values("3"))', 'cfg(build_profile, values("debug", "release"))', "cfg(enable_alloc_error_handler)", "cfg(fuzzing)", "cfg(substrate_runtime)"]
level = "warn"
priority = 0

authors = ["Parity Technologies <admin@parity.io>"]
autobenches = false
autobins = false
autoexamples = false
autolib = false
autotests = false
build = "build.rs"
default-run = "polkadot"
description = "Implementation of a `https://polkadot.network` node in Rust based on the Substrate framework."
edition = "2021"
license = "GPL-3.0-only"
name = "polkadot"
readme = "README.md"
rust-version = "1.64.0"
version = "21.0.0"

assets = [["target/release/polkadot", "/usr/bin/", "755"], ["target/release/polkadot-prepare-worker", "/usr/lib/polkadot/", "755"], ["target/release/polkadot-execute-worker", "/usr/lib/polkadot/", "755"], ["scripts/packaging/polkadot.service", "/lib/systemd/system/", "644"]]
conf-files = ["/etc/default/polkadot"]
extended-description = "Implementation of a https://polkadot.network node in Rust based on the Substrate framework."
license-file = ["LICENSE", "0"]
maintainer = "security@parity.io"
maintainer-scripts = "scripts/packaging/deb-maintainer-scripts"
name = "polkadot"
section = "misc"

config = "./scripts/ci/gitlab/spellcheck.toml"

[target.'cfg(target_os = "linux")'.dependencies.tikv-jemallocator]
features = ["unprefixed_malloc_on_supported_platforms"]
version = "0.5.0"

name = "benchmark_block"
path = "tests/benchmark_block.rs"

name = "benchmark_extrinsic"
path = "tests/benchmark_extrinsic.rs"

name = "benchmark_overhead"
path = "tests/benchmark_overhead.rs"

name = "benchmark_storage_works"
path = "tests/benchmark_storage_works.rs"

name = "common"
path = "tests/common.rs"

name = "invalid_order_arguments"
path = "tests/invalid_order_arguments.rs"

name = "purge_chain_works"
path = "tests/purge_chain_works.rs"

name = "running_the_node_and_interrupt"
path = "tests/running_the_node_and_interrupt.rs"

name = "workers"
path = "tests/workers.rs"