# pretty-hex
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A Rust library prividing pretty hex dump.
A `simple_*` way renders one-line hex dump, and a `pretty_*` wayrenders
columned multy-line hex dump with addresing and ASCII representation.
[View `pretty-hex` documentation on docs.rs.](https://docs.rs/pretty-hex)
## Example of `simple_hex`
use pretty_hex::*;
let v = vec![222, 173, 190, 239, 202, 254, 32, 24];
assert_eq!(simple_hex(&v), format!("{}", v.hex_dump()));
println!("{}", v.hex_dump());
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## Example of `pretty_hex`
use pretty_hex::*;
let v: &[u8] = &random::<[u8;30]>();
assert_eq!(pretty_hex(&v), format!("{:?}", v.hex_dump()));
println!("{:?}", v.hex_dump());
Length: 30 (0x1e) bytes
0000: 6b 4e 1a c3 af 03 d2 1e 7e 73 ba c8 bd 84 0f 83 kN......~s......
0010: 89 d5 cf 90 23 67 4b 48 db b1 bc 35 bf ee ....#gKH...5..
Inspired by [haskell's pretty-hex](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pretty-hex-1.0).