pretty 0.12.3

Wadler-style pretty-printing combinators in Rust
<a name="v0.12.3"></a>
### v0.12.3 (2023-09-21)

#### Features

*   Implement Pretty for Cow ([5897df33]

<a name="v0.12.2"></a>
### v0.12.2 (2023-09-21)

#### Bug Fixes

*   CJK characters display width ([d1cdc4ef]

<a name="v0.12.1"></a>
### v0.12.1 (2023-04-19)

#### Bug Fixes

*   Don't leak the indentation of earlier documents into latter ones ([430bb457]

<a name="v0.12.0"></a>
## v0.12.0 (2023-03-30)

#### Features

*   Add the BlockDoc formatter ([d4106e4e]

#### Bug Fixes

* Make `RcDoc` a wrapper around `Rc<Doc>`, not `Box<Doc>`

<a name="v0.11.3"></a>
### v0.11.3 (2022-04-21)

<a name="v0.11.2"></a>
### v0.11.2 (2021-12-15)

#### Features

*   Implement Add/AddAssign on DocBuilder ([45e085a4]

<a name="v0.11.1"></a>
### v0.11.1 (2021-12-10)

#### Bug Fixes

*   Allow &String in the docs! macro again ([e02bdc8f]

<a name="v0.11.0"></a>
## v0.11.0 (2021-12-10)

#### Features

*   Use display width during rendering ([b88f123a], closes [#67]
*   Introduce the Pretty trait ([84a41d3d]
*   Implement Deref for DocBuilder ([97602f36]
*   Implement Debug on DocBuilder ([05bc8b76]
*   Debug print Line documents ([063052d5]
*   Debug print sotfline_ docs in a shortform ([b64b8b37]
*   Debug print sotfline docs in a shortform ([86915fea]

#### Performance

*   convert empty text to Nil docs ([91931342]
*   No need to group on individual text components ([9a67247b]

<a name="v0.7.0"></a>
## v0.7.0 (2019-12-01)

#### Breaking Changes

*   Rename space to line and newline to hardline ([a011c1b0], breaks [#]

#### Features

*   Add RcDoc ([f7c675fc]
*   Add convenience combinators for enclosing documents ([5358b6ed]
*   Add softline ([3802a856]
*   Rename space to line and newline to hardline ([a011c1b0], breaks [#]
*   Add nesting and align ([713f5a98]
*   Add the width document ([927583e9]
*   Introduce the Column document ([f78cd2ea]

#### Bug Fixes

*   Allow usize::max_value as a width ([340f6685], closes [#53]

<a name="v0.5.0"></a>
## v0.5.0 (2018-06-16)

#### Breaking Changes

*   Change the type parameter order so attributes can be defaulted ([ba08cedc], breaks [#]

#### Features

*   Allow custom attributes to be rendered ([07c8ac03]
*   Permit newlines in text documents ([d11ad4be]