product-os-capabilities 0.0.19

Product OS : Capabilities provides a set of features for implementing server features and services in a modular fashion. It is designed to be used with Product OS : Server.
# Product OS : Capabilities

Product OS : Capabilities provides a set of features for implementing server features and services in a modular fashion.  It is designed to be used with Product OS : Server.

### What is Product OS?

Product OS is a collection of packages that provide different tools and features that can work together to build products more easily for the Rust ecosystem.

## Installation

Use the Rust crate package manager [cargo]( to install Product OS : Capabilities.

cargo add product-os-capabilities

or add Product OS : Capabilities to your cargo.toml ```[packages]``` section.

product-os-capabilities = { version = "0.0.19", features = [], default-features = true, optional = false }

## Features

Product OS Capabilities supports a number of features leveraging the existing Rust libraries of Axum and Tower including:

- Trait to define a feature that can be used with Product OS : Server
- Trait to define a service that can be used with Product OS : Server
- Registries for features and services
- Default features and services

// Feature samples TODO

## Usage

// Examples TODO

## Contributing

Contributions are not currently available but will be available on a public repository soon.

## License