prometheus-http-query 0.8.3

Prometheus HTTP API client
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [0.8.3] - 2024-04-08
### Changed
- Bumped dependency `reqwest` to v12.x (@chris13524 via [pull request]
- Bumped dependency `url` to v2.5

## [0.8.2] - 2023-12-30
### Added
- `InstantQueryBuilder::query`
- `RangeQueryBuilder::query`

All changes by courtesy of @alesharik via [pull request](

## [0.8.1] - 2023-12-28
### Added
- `InstantQueryBuilder::get_raw`
- `InstantQueryBuilder::post_raw`
- `RangeQueryBuilder::get_raw`
- `RangeQueryBuilder::post_raw`
- `LabelNamesQueryBuilder::get_raw`
- `LabelValuesQueryBuilder::get_raw`
- `MetricMetadataQueryBuilder::get_raw`
- `RulesQueryBuilder::get_raw`
- `SeriesQueryBuilder::get_raw`
- `TargetMetadataQueryBuilder::get_raw`

All changes by courtesy of @VoltaireNoir via [pull request](

## [0.8.0] - 2023-12-09
### Added
- Derive `Copy` on `Sample`
- `Data::as_vector_mut`
- `Data::as_matrix_mut`
- `Data::as_scalar_mut`
- `Data::into_vector`
- `Data::into_matrix`
- `Data::into_sample`
- `PromqlResult::into_inner`

### Changed
- `Data::as_vector` returns `Option<&Vec<InstantVector>>` now
- `Data::as_matrix` returns `Option<&Vec<RangeVector>>` now

Note that this is technically a breaking release due to the altered function signatures of the two functions above. These functions formerly returned `Option<&[InstantVector]>`. However thanks to Rust's type coercions rules the changes are actually not expected to break any code, since the returned vector is yet again coerced to a slice when accessed immutably.

All changes by courtesy of @VoltaireNoir via [pull request](

## [0.7.1] - 2023-10-29
### Added
- `ClientError::inner()`
- `ParseUrlError::inner()`

## [0.7.0] - 2023-10-13
### Added
- `RuleGroup::limit()`
- `RuleGroup::last_evaluation()`
- `RuleGroup::evaluation_time()`
- `AlertingRule::last_evaluation()`
- `AlertingRule::evaluation_time()`
- `RecordingRule::last_evaluation()`
- `RecordingRule::evaluation_time()`
- `Rule::as_recording()`
- `Rule::as_alerting()`
- `impl Eq for RuleHealth`
- `RuleHealth::is_good()`
- `RuleHealth::is_bad()`
- `RuleHealth::is_unknown()`
- `impl Eq for AlertState`
- `AlertState::is_inactive()`
- `AlertState::is_pending()`
- `AlertState::is_firing()`
- `impl Eq for TargetHealth`
- `TargetHealth::is_up()`
- `TargetHealth::is_down()`
- `TargetHealth::is_unknown()`
- `impl Eq for MetricType`
- `MetricType::is_counter()`
- `MetricType::is_gauge()`
- `MetricType::is_histogram()`
- `MetricType::is_gauge_histogram()`
- `MetricType::is_summary()`
- `MetricType::is_info()`
- `MetricType::is_stateset()`
- `MetricType::is_unknown()`
- `AlertingRule::keep_firing_for()`
- `impl Eq for WalReplayState`
- `WalReplayState::is_waiting()`
- `WalReplayState::is_in_progress()`
- `WalReplayState::is_done()`

### Changed

Among other changes some `Client` methods have been refactored and return "builders" (like `Client::query` and `Client::query_range` already did) to gradually build a query to the respective endpoint instead of having to pass a lot of arguments to a single function and also having to pass `None` a lot to use the "default" functionality of the given Prometheus API endpoint.
The following `Client` methods were refactored in that fashion:
- `Client::rules()`
- `Client::target_metadata()`
- `Client::metric_metadata()`
- `Client::series()`
- `Client::label_names()`
- `Client::label_values()`

Other changes include:

- Renamed `RuleType` to `RuleKind` and its variants from `Alert` and `Record` to `Alerting` and `Recording`.
- `Alert::value()` now returns f64.
- `Client::query`, `Client::query_range` `direct::query` and `direct::query_range` now require the PromQl query string to implement `std::fmt::Display` instead of `std::string::ToString`.
- Refactored deserialization of Prometheus server responses so the explicit dependency on `serde_json` could be removed.
- Refactored the `error` module and some custom errors related to deserialization using `serde::de::Error`. The `Error` enum inside the `error` module now contains one variant less and existing error variants were improved by _properly_ implementing `std::error::Error::source()`. Libraries like `anyhow` are now able to display more detailed error messages. This change is not breaking if you did not match on specific error enum variants before.
- `Client` methods now return a more concise error if the server response (from Prometheus or an intermediate proxy) does not contain a `Content-Type` header identifying the payload as JSON, that is the media type from the response is not as expected.

## [0.6.7] - 2023-09-30
### Fixed
- Fixes an issue where a Prometheus server sends an HTTP response with `Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8` (see [issue]

## [0.6.6] - 2023-04-17
### Added
- `InstantQueryBuilder::header` and `RangeQueryBuilder::header` (see also [PR #6], thank you @lasantosr)

## [0.6.5] - 2023-01-27
### Added
- Added several feature flags pertaining to the client TLS configuration that match the feature flags of `reqwest` by the same name.

## [0.6.3] - 2022-11-20
### Added
- `Client::is_server_healthy`
- `Client::is_server_ready`

### Changed
- Update crate `url` to v2.3

## [0.6.2] - 2022-08-23
### Added
- `prometheus_http_query::error::ApiErrorType` that corresponds to the error variants that are used within the Prometheus API code.

### Changed
- `prometheus_http_query::error::ApiError` is now part of the public crate API and provides methods to inspect the cause of the error, e.g. `ApiError::error_type`, `ApiError::is_timeout` and `ApiError::message`.

### Fixed
- `Client` methods now return the proper error variant when e.g. a reverse proxy acts as intermediary. This considers the following three cases:
	- Prometheus returns 2xx with JSON body -> JSON is parsed and function returns the result in a `Result::Ok`.
	- Prometheus returns 4xx or 5xx -> JSON is parsed and function returns the `ApiError` containing the error details within `Result::Err`.
	- A proxy cannot handle the request and responds with a 4xx or 5xx itself -> error is raised and function returns the wrapped `reqwest::Error` within `Result::Err`.

## [0.6.1] - 2022-08-22
### Fixed
- All `Client` methods now properly return `prometheus_http_query::error::ApiError` when Prometheus responds with an HTTP 4xx and the error type and message are captured.

### Changed
- Simplified JSON body parsing with serde (no API changes).

## [0.6.0] - 2022-08-01
### Changed
- `Client::query` and `Client::query_range` now return builder types to add parameters to a request (e.g. `timeout`) before sending the request via `InstantQueryBuilder::get` or `InstantQueryBuilder::post` and their pendants in `RangeQueryBuilder`. The purpose is to reduce the number of parameters in e.g. `Client::query` and configure a request via a builder instead as the number of parameters will certainly increase in the future.
- `InstantQueryBuilder::get`, `InstantQueryBuilder::post` and their `RangeQueryBuilder` pendants still return a `Result<PromqlResult, _>`, but the Promqlresult now contains `data` and `stats`. The former being the familiar collection of vectors or matrices, the latter the execution stats as returned by the HTTP API.
- `Client::base_url` now returns `Url`
- Move and rename `PromqlResult::as_instant` -> `Data::as_vector`
- Move and rename `PromqlResult::as_range` -> `Data::as_matrix`
- Move `PromqlResult::as_scalar` -> `Data::as_scalar`

### Added
- `InstantQueryBuilder` and `RangeQueryBuilder`. Each allows to set additional optional parameters to a request (e.g. a `timeout`). Request can then be sent using HTTP GET (see `InstantQueryBuilder::get`) or POST (see `InstantQueryBuilder::post`).
- `InstantQueryBuilder::stats` and `RangeQueryBuilder::stats` as the first _new_ query parameter/builder method. Use it to request query execution stats from Prometheus as part of the `PromqlResult` when `get` or `post` are executed. See [this pull request] for details and background information.
- `PromqlResult::data`
- `PromqlResult::stats`