py32-metapac 0.2.1

Peripheral Access Crate (PAC) for all PY32 chips, including metadata.
# py32-data & py32-metapac



All-in-one Rust PAC(Peripheral Access Crate) for Puya MCU Series.

This repo is adapted from [embassy-rs/stm32-data](

Contributions are welcome!

You can check the peripheral version corresponding to the microcontroller [here](

## Families

Date: 20240312

- Low Cost
  - PY32F002A
  - PY32F002B
  - PY32F003
- Mainstream
  - PY32F030
  - PY32F031
  - PY32F040
  - PY32F071
  - PY32F072
  - PY32F403
- Low Power
  - PY32L020
- Moter Control
  - PY32M010
  - PY32M020
  - PY32M030
  - PY32M031
  - PY32M070
  - PY32MD
- Touch Control
  - PY32T020

## TODOs

- Configure the additional registers for peripherals like USART and I2C on the PY32F072, which has more registers compared to version 1 (F030).

- Set up configurations for cut-down variants such as PY32F003, PY32F002A, and PY32F040.

- Extend USB `FRAMENUM` and `OUTCOUNT` Fields to 11 bits.

## Contirbute

You can refer to the relevant descriptions and explanations in[embassy-rs/stm32-data]( repo.

The difference is that our data sources are fewer. In addition to the content already present in this repo, the data can come from the processing of the PY32 C SDK header files, datasheets, and  Reference Manual, etc.

In fact, the IPs of peripherals in different PY32 series may be consistent, and different series can refer to each other.

Moreover, some series use the same die(e.g. F003, F002A, F030 use same die), so support a new serie might not require much work.


- [Rust 嵌入式开发中的外设寄存器访问:从 svd2rust 到 chiptool 和 metapac - 以 hpm-data 为例 | 猫·仁波切]

## License

This project is licensed under either of

- Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or
- MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT]LICENSE-MIT or <>)

at your option.