pyo3-ffi 0.24.0

Python-API bindings for the PyO3 ecosystem
name = "pyo3-ffi"
version = "0.24.0"
description = "Python-API bindings for the PyO3 ecosystem"
authors = ["PyO3 Project and Contributors <>"]
keywords = ["pyo3", "python", "cpython", "ffi"]
homepage = ""
repository = ""
categories = ["api-bindings", "development-tools::ffi"]
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
edition = "2021"
links = "python"
rust-version = "1.63"

libc = "0.2.62"


default = []

# Use this feature when building an extension module.
# It tells the linker to keep the python symbols unresolved,
# so that the module can also be used with statically linked python interpreters.
extension-module = ["pyo3-build-config/extension-module"]

# Use the Python limited API. See for more.
abi3 = ["pyo3-build-config/abi3"]

# With abi3, we can manually set the minimum Python version.
abi3-py37 = ["abi3-py38", "pyo3-build-config/abi3-py37"]
abi3-py38 = ["abi3-py39", "pyo3-build-config/abi3-py38"]
abi3-py39 = ["abi3-py310", "pyo3-build-config/abi3-py39"]
abi3-py310 = ["abi3-py311", "pyo3-build-config/abi3-py310"]
abi3-py311 = ["abi3-py312", "pyo3-build-config/abi3-py311"]
abi3-py312 = ["abi3", "pyo3-build-config/abi3-py312"]

# Automatically generates `python3.dll` import libraries for Windows targets.
generate-import-lib = ["pyo3-build-config/python3-dll-a"]

paste = "1"

pyo3-build-config = { path = "../pyo3-build-config", version = "=0.24.0", features = ["resolve-config"] }

workspace = true

min-version = "3.7"
max-version = "3.13"  # inclusive

min-version = "3.9"
max-version = "3.11"  # inclusive