pyo3-polars 0.20.0

Expression plugins and PyO3 types for polars
name = "pyo3-polars"
version = "0.20.0"
edition = "2021"
license = "MIT"
readme = "../"
repository = ""
description = "Expression plugins and PyO3 types for polars"

# See more keys and their definitions at

libc = "0.2" # pyo3 depends on libc already, so this does not introduce an extra dependence.
once_cell = "1"
polars = { workspace = true, default-features = true}
polars-arrow = { workspace = true, default-features = false }
polars-core = { workspace = true, default-features = false }
polars-ffi = { workspace = true, optional = true }
polars-lazy = { workspace = true, optional = true }
polars-plan = { workspace = true, optional = true }
polars-utils = {workspace = true, features = ["serde"], optional = true }
pyo3 = "0.23"
pyo3-polars-derive = { version = "0.14.0", path = "../pyo3-polars-derive", optional = true }
serde = { version = "1", optional = true }
serde-pickle = { version = "1", optional = true }
thiserror = "1"

# Polars python is needed because all variants need to be acttivated of the DSL.
lazy = ["polars/serde-lazy", "polars-plan", "polars-lazy/serde", "polars-utils", "polars-lazy/python"]
derive = ["pyo3-polars-derive", "polars-plan", "polars-ffi", "serde-pickle", "serde"]
dtype-full = ["polars/dtype-full", "dtype-decimal", "dtype-array", "dtype-struct", "dtype-categorical"]
object = ["polars/object"]
dtype-decimal = ["polars/dtype-decimal"]
dtype-struct = ["polars/dtype-struct"]
dtype-array = ["polars/dtype-array"]
dtype-categorical = ["polars/dtype-categorical"]