# quad-rand
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`quad-rand` implements pseudo-random generator http://www.pcg-random.org/download.html based on rust atomics.
Compatible with wasm and also no-std compatible.
Basic usage, no dependencies involved:
use quad_rand as qrand;
// seed random
// get random number from 0 to u32::MAX
let x = qrand::rand();
// get random number from given range
let x = qrand::gen_range(0., 1.);
assert!(x >= 0. && x < 1.);
// gen_range works for most of standard number types
let x: u8 = qrand::gen_range(64, 128);
assert!(x >= 64 && x < 128);
Optional compatibility layer with `rand` crate:
use quad_rand::compat::QuadRand;
use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
let mut vec = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
// QuadRand is rand::RngCore implementation, allowing to use all the cool stuff from rand
vec.shuffle(&mut QuadRand);