qualifier_attr 0.2.2

Procedural macro attributes for adding "qualifiers" (pub, async, unsafe, const, extern "C", ...) to various items.
<!-- TODO: Eventually this should be auto-generated -->

- [Unreleased]#unreleased
  - [Added]#added
  - [Changed]#changed
  - [Removed]#removed
  - [Fixed]#fixed
- [0.2.0]#020
  - [Added]#added-1
- [0.2.1]#021
  - [Added]#added-2

# Unreleased 

## Added

## Changed

## Removed

## Fixed

## Security

# 0.2.0

## Added

    * [wackbyte](https://github.com/wackbyte) added `#[qualifiers]` attribute which unifies all kinds of items to which qualifiers can be applied.
    * [wackbyte](https://github.com/wackbyte) added `#[field_qualifiers]` attribute which applies qualifiers to all fields of the item.
    * [JohnScience](https://github.com/JohnScience) added a default feature `legacy_attrs` to allow the use of the legacy `#[fn_qualifiers]`, `#[mod_qualifiers]`, `#[named_field_qualifiers]`, and `#[struct_qualifiers]` attributes.
    * [JohnScience](https://github.com/JohnScience) started a changelog.

# 0.2.1

## Added

    * Added a note on legacy attributes to the README.

# 0.2.2

## Fixed

    * Fixed the warning about the unused `legacy` module.