quick-xml 0.36.2

High performance xml reader and writer

name = "quick-xml"

version = "0.36.2"

description = "High performance xml reader and writer"

edition = "2021"

documentation = "https://docs.rs/quick-xml"

repository = "https://github.com/tafia/quick-xml"

keywords = ["xml", "serde", "parser", "writer", "html"]

categories = ["asynchronous", "encoding", "parsing", "parser-implementations"]

license = "MIT"

rust-version = "1.56"

# We exclude tests & examples & benches to reduce the size of a package.

# Unfortunately, this is source of warnings in latest cargo when packaging:

# > warning: ignoring {context} `{name}` as `{path}` is not included in the published package

# That may become unnecessary once https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/13491

# will be resolved

include = ["src/*", "LICENSE-MIT.md", "README.md"]


document-features = { version = "0.2", optional = true }

encoding_rs = { version = "0.8", optional = true }

serde = { version = ">=1.0.139", optional = true }

tokio = { version = "1.10", optional = true, default-features = false, features = ["io-util"] }

memchr = "2.1"

arbitrary = { version = "1", features = ["derive"], optional = true }


criterion = "0.4"

pretty_assertions = "1.4"

regex = "1"

# #[serde(other)] allowed not only inside field_identifier since 1.0.79

# serde does not follow semver in numbering and their dependencies, so we specifying patch here

serde_derive = { version = "1.0.79" }

serde-value = "0.7"

tokio = { version = "1.21", default-features = false, features = ["macros", "rt"] }

tokio-test = "0.4"


bench = false


name = "microbenches"

harness = false

path = "benches/microbenches.rs"


name = "macrobenches"

harness = false

path = "benches/macrobenches.rs"


default = []

## Enables support for asynchronous reading and writing from `tokio`'s IO-Traits by enabling

## [reading events] from types implementing [`tokio::io::AsyncBufRead`].


## [reading events]: crate::reader::Reader::read_event_into_async

async-tokio = ["tokio"]

## Enables support of non-UTF-8 encoded documents. Encoding will be inferred from

## the XML declaration if it is found, otherwise UTF-8 is assumed.


## Currently, only ASCII-compatible encodings are supported. For example,

## UTF-16 will not work (therefore, `quick-xml` is not [standard compliant]).


## Thus, quick-xml supports all encodings of [`encoding_rs`] except these:

## - [UTF-16BE]

## - [UTF-16LE]

## - [ISO-2022-JP]


## You should stop processing a document when one of these encodings is detected,

## because generated events can be wrong and do not reflect a real document structure!


## Because these are the only supported encodings that are not ASCII compatible, you can

## check for them:


## ```

## use quick_xml::events::Event;

## use quick_xml::reader::Reader;


## # fn to_utf16le_with_bom(string: &str) -> Vec<u8> {

## #     let mut bytes = Vec::new();

## #     bytes.extend_from_slice(&[0xFF, 0xFE]); // UTF-16 LE BOM

## #     for ch in string.encode_utf16() {

## #         bytes.extend_from_slice(&ch.to_le_bytes());

## #     }

## #     bytes

## # }

## let xml = to_utf16le_with_bom(r#"<?xml encoding='UTF-16'><element/>"#);

## let mut reader = Reader::from_reader(xml.as_ref());

## reader.config_mut().trim_text(true);


## let mut buf = Vec::new();

## let mut unsupported = false;

## loop {

##     if !reader.decoder().encoding().is_ascii_compatible() {

##         unsupported = true;

##         break;

##     }

##     buf.clear();

##     match reader.read_event_into(&mut buf).unwrap() {

##         Event::Eof => break,

##         _ => {}

##     }

## }

## assert_eq!(unsupported, true);

## ```

## This restriction will be eliminated once issue [#158] is resolved.


## [standard compliant]: https://www.w3.org/TR/xml11/#charencoding

## [UTF-16BE]: encoding_rs::UTF_16BE

## [UTF-16LE]: encoding_rs::UTF_16LE

## [ISO-2022-JP]: encoding_rs::ISO_2022_JP

## [#158]: https://github.com/tafia/quick-xml/issues/158

encoding = ["encoding_rs"]

## Enables support for recognizing all [HTML 5 entities] in [`unescape`]

## function. The full list of entities also can be found in

## <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/entities.json>.


## [HTML 5 entities]: https://dev.w3.org/html5/html-author/charref

## [`unescape`]: crate::escape::unescape

escape-html = []

## This feature is for the Serde deserializer that enables support for deserializing

## lists where tags are overlapped with tags that do not correspond to the list.


## When this feature is enabled, the XML:

## ```xml

## <any-name>

##   <item/>

##   <another-item/>

##   <item/>

##   <item/>

## </any-name>

## ```

## could be deserialized to a struct:

## ```no_run

## # use serde::Deserialize;

## #[derive(Deserialize)]

## #[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]

## struct AnyName {

##   item: Vec<()>,

##   another_item: (),

## }

## ```


## When this feature is not enabled (default), only the first element will be

## associated with the field, and the deserialized type will report an error

## (duplicated field) when the deserializer encounters a second `<item/>`.


## Note, that enabling this feature can lead to high and even unlimited memory

## consumption, because deserializer needs to check all events up to the end of a

## container tag (`</any-name>` in this example) to figure out that there are no

## more items for a field. If `</any-name>` or even EOF is not encountered, the

## parsing will never end which can lead to a denial-of-service (DoS) scenario.


## Having several lists and overlapped elements for them in XML could also lead

## to quadratic parsing time, because the deserializer must check the list of

## events as many times as the number of sequence fields present in the schema.


## To reduce negative consequences, always [limit] the maximum number of events

## that [`Deserializer`] will buffer.


## This feature works only with `serialize` feature and has no effect if `serialize`

## is not enabled.


## [limit]: crate::de::Deserializer::event_buffer_size

## [`Deserializer`]: crate::de::Deserializer

overlapped-lists = []

## Enables serialization of some quick-xml types using [`serde`]. This feature

## is rarely needed.


## This feature does NOT provide XML serializer or deserializer. You should use

## the `serialize` feature for that instead.

# Cannot name "serde" to avoid clash with dependency.

# "dep:" prefix only avalible from Rust 1.60

serde-types = ["serde/derive"]

## Enables support for [`serde`] serialization and deserialization. When this

## feature is enabled, quick-xml provides serializer and deserializer for XML.


## This feature does NOT enables serializaton of the types inside quick-xml.

## If you need that, use the `serde-types` feature.

serialize = ["serde"] # "dep:" prefix only avalible from Rust 1.60


# document all features

all-features = true

# Tests, benchmarks and examples doesn't included in package on crates.io,

# so we need to specify a path, otherwise `cargo package` complains

# That may become unnecessary once https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/13491

# will be resolved


name = "encodings"

required-features = ["encoding"]

path = "tests/encodings.rs"


name = "serde_roundtrip"

required-features = ["serialize"]

path = "tests/serde_roundtrip.rs"


name = "serde-de"

required-features = ["serialize"]

path = "tests/serde-de.rs"


name = "serde-de-enum"

required-features = ["serialize"]

path = "tests/serde-de-enum.rs"


name = "serde-de-seq"

required-features = ["serialize"]

path = "tests/serde-de-seq.rs"


name = "serde-se"

required-features = ["serialize"]

path = "tests/serde-se.rs"


name = "serde-migrated"

required-features = ["serialize"]

path = "tests/serde-migrated.rs"


name = "serde-issues"

required-features = ["serialize"]

path = "tests/serde-issues.rs"


name = "async-tokio"

required-features = ["async-tokio"]

path = "tests/async-tokio.rs"


name = "read_nodes_serde"

required-features = ["serialize"]

path = "examples/read_nodes_serde.rs"


name = "flattened_enum"

required-features = ["serialize"]

path = "examples/flattened_enum.rs"