1//! Contains high-level interface for an events-based XML emitter.
3use std::borrow::Cow;
4use std::io::{self, Write};
6use crate::encoding::UTF8_BOM;
7use crate::events::{attributes::Attribute, BytesCData, BytesPI, BytesStart, BytesText, Event};
9#[cfg(feature = "async-tokio")]
10mod async_tokio;
12/// XML writer. Writes XML [`Event`]s to a [`std::io::Write`] or [`tokio::io::AsyncWrite`] implementor.
13#[cfg(feature = "serialize")]
14use {crate::se::SeError, serde::Serialize};
16/// XML writer. Writes XML [`Event`]s to a [`std::io::Write`] implementor.
18/// # Examples
20/// ```
21/// # use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
22/// use quick_xml::events::{Event, BytesEnd, BytesStart};
23/// use quick_xml::reader::Reader;
24/// use quick_xml::writer::Writer;
25/// use std::io::Cursor;
27/// let xml = r#"<this_tag k1="v1" k2="v2"><child>text</child></this_tag>"#;
28/// let mut reader = Reader::from_str(xml);
29/// let mut writer = Writer::new(Cursor::new(Vec::new()));
30/// loop {
31/// match reader.read_event() {
32/// Ok(Event::Start(e)) if e.name().as_ref() == b"this_tag" => {
34/// // crates a new element ... alternatively we could reuse `e` by calling
35/// // `e.into_owned()`
36/// let mut elem = BytesStart::new("my_elem");
38/// // collect existing attributes
39/// elem.extend_attributes(e.attributes().map(|attr| attr.unwrap()));
41/// // copy existing attributes, adds a new my-key="some value" attribute
42/// elem.push_attribute(("my-key", "some value"));
44/// // writes the event to the writer
45/// assert!(writer.write_event(Event::Start(elem)).is_ok());
46/// },
47/// Ok(Event::End(e)) if e.name().as_ref() == b"this_tag" => {
48/// assert!(writer.write_event(Event::End(BytesEnd::new("my_elem"))).is_ok());
49/// },
50/// Ok(Event::Eof) => break,
51/// // we can either move or borrow the event to write, depending on your use-case
52/// Ok(e) => assert!(writer.write_event(e.borrow()).is_ok()),
53/// Err(e) => panic!("Error at position {}: {:?}", reader.error_position(), e),
54/// }
55/// }
57/// let result = writer.into_inner().into_inner();
58/// let expected = r#"<my_elem k1="v1" k2="v2" my-key="some value"><child>text</child></my_elem>"#;
59/// assert_eq!(result, expected.as_bytes());
60/// ```
62pub struct Writer<W> {
63 /// underlying writer
64 writer: W,
65 indent: Option<Indentation>,
68impl<W> Writer<W> {
69 /// Creates a `Writer` from a generic writer.
70 pub const fn new(inner: W) -> Writer<W> {
71 Writer {
72 writer: inner,
73 indent: None,
74 }
75 }
77 /// Creates a `Writer` with configured indents from a generic writer.
78 pub fn new_with_indent(inner: W, indent_char: u8, indent_size: usize) -> Writer<W> {
79 Writer {
80 writer: inner,
81 indent: Some(Indentation::new(indent_char, indent_size)),
82 }
83 }
85 /// Consumes this `Writer`, returning the underlying writer.
86 pub fn into_inner(self) -> W {
87 self.writer
88 }
90 /// Get a mutable reference to the underlying writer.
91 pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut W {
92 &mut self.writer
93 }
95 /// Get a reference to the underlying writer.
96 pub const fn get_ref(&self) -> &W {
97 &self.writer
98 }
100 /// Provides a simple, high-level API for writing XML elements.
101 ///
102 /// Returns an [`ElementWriter`] that simplifies setting attributes and writing
103 /// content inside the element.
104 ///
105 /// # Example
106 ///
107 /// ```
108 /// # use quick_xml::Result;
109 /// # fn main() -> Result<()> {
110 /// use quick_xml::events::{BytesStart, BytesText, Event};
111 /// use quick_xml::writer::Writer;
112 /// use quick_xml::Error;
113 /// use std::io::Cursor;
114 ///
115 /// let mut writer = Writer::new(Cursor::new(Vec::new()));
116 ///
117 /// // writes <tag attr1="value1"/>
118 /// writer.create_element("tag")
119 /// .with_attribute(("attr1", "value1")) // chain `with_attribute()` calls to add many attributes
120 /// .write_empty()?;
121 ///
122 /// // writes <tag attr1="value1" attr2="value2">with some text inside</tag>
123 /// writer.create_element("tag")
124 /// .with_attributes(vec![("attr1", "value1"), ("attr2", "value2")].into_iter()) // or add attributes from an iterator
125 /// .write_text_content(BytesText::new("with some text inside"))?;
126 ///
127 /// // writes <tag><fruit quantity="0">apple</fruit><fruit quantity="1">orange</fruit></tag>
128 /// writer.create_element("tag")
129 /// // We need to provide error type, because it is not named somewhere explicitly
130 /// .write_inner_content(|writer| {
131 /// let fruits = ["apple", "orange"];
132 /// for (quant, item) in fruits.iter().enumerate() {
133 /// writer
134 /// .create_element("fruit")
135 /// .with_attribute(("quantity", quant.to_string().as_str()))
136 /// .write_text_content(BytesText::new(item))?;
137 /// }
138 /// Ok(())
139 /// })?;
140 /// # Ok(())
141 /// # }
142 /// ```
143 #[must_use]
144 pub fn create_element<'a, N>(&'a mut self, name: N) -> ElementWriter<'a, W>
145 where
146 N: Into<Cow<'a, str>>,
147 {
148 ElementWriter {
149 writer: self,
150 start_tag: BytesStart::new(name),
151 state: AttributeIndent::NoneAttributesWritten,
152 spaces: Vec::new(),
153 }
154 }
157impl<W: Write> Writer<W> {
158 /// Write a [Byte-Order-Mark] character to the document.
159 ///
160 /// # Example
161 ///
162 /// ```rust
163 /// # use quick_xml::Result;
164 /// # fn main() -> Result<()> {
165 /// use quick_xml::events::{BytesStart, BytesText, Event};
166 /// use quick_xml::writer::Writer;
167 /// use quick_xml::Error;
168 /// use std::io::Cursor;
169 ///
170 /// let mut buffer = Vec::new();
171 /// let mut writer = Writer::new_with_indent(&mut buffer, b' ', 4);
172 ///
173 /// writer.write_bom()?;
174 /// writer
175 /// .create_element("empty")
176 /// .with_attribute(("attr1", "value1"))
177 /// .write_empty()
178 /// .expect("failure");
179 ///
180 /// assert_eq!(
181 /// std::str::from_utf8(&buffer).unwrap(),
182 /// "\u{FEFF}<empty attr1=\"value1\"/>"
183 /// );
184 /// # Ok(())
185 /// # }
186 /// ```
187 /// [Byte-Order-Mark]: https://unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#BOM
188 pub fn write_bom(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
189 self.write(UTF8_BOM)
190 }
192 /// Writes the given event to the underlying writer.
193 pub fn write_event<'a, E: Into<Event<'a>>>(&mut self, event: E) -> io::Result<()> {
194 let mut next_should_line_break = true;
195 let result = match event.into() {
196 Event::Start(e) => {
197 let result = self.write_wrapped(b"<", &e, b">");
198 if let Some(i) = self.indent.as_mut() {
199 i.grow();
200 }
201 result
202 }
203 Event::End(e) => {
204 if let Some(i) = self.indent.as_mut() {
205 i.shrink();
206 }
207 self.write_wrapped(b"</", &e, b">")
208 }
209 Event::Empty(e) => self.write_wrapped(b"<", &e, b"/>"),
210 Event::Text(e) => {
211 next_should_line_break = false;
212 self.write(&e)
213 }
214 Event::Comment(e) => self.write_wrapped(b"<!--", &e, b"-->"),
215 Event::CData(e) => {
216 next_should_line_break = false;
217 self.write(b"<![CDATA[")?;
218 self.write(&e)?;
219 self.write(b"]]>")
220 }
221 Event::Decl(e) => self.write_wrapped(b"<?", &e, b"?>"),
222 Event::PI(e) => self.write_wrapped(b"<?", &e, b"?>"),
223 Event::DocType(e) => self.write_wrapped(b"<!DOCTYPE ", &e, b">"),
224 Event::Eof => Ok(()),
225 };
226 if let Some(i) = self.indent.as_mut() {
227 i.should_line_break = next_should_line_break;
228 }
229 result
230 }
232 /// Writes bytes
233 #[inline]
234 pub(crate) fn write(&mut self, value: &[u8]) -> io::Result<()> {
235 self.writer.write_all(value).map_err(Into::into)
236 }
238 #[inline]
239 fn write_wrapped(&mut self, before: &[u8], value: &[u8], after: &[u8]) -> io::Result<()> {
240 if let Some(ref i) = self.indent {
241 if i.should_line_break {
242 self.writer.write_all(b"\n")?;
243 self.writer.write_all(i.current())?;
244 }
245 }
246 self.write(before)?;
247 self.write(value)?;
248 self.write(after)?;
249 Ok(())
250 }
252 /// Manually write a newline and indentation at the proper level.
253 ///
254 /// This can be used when the heuristic to line break and indent after any
255 /// [`Event`] apart from [`Text`] fails such as when a [`Start`] occurs directly
256 /// after [`Text`].
257 ///
258 /// This method will do nothing if `Writer` was not constructed with [`new_with_indent`].
259 ///
260 /// [`Text`]: Event::Text
261 /// [`Start`]: Event::Start
262 /// [`new_with_indent`]: Self::new_with_indent
263 pub fn write_indent(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
264 if let Some(ref i) = self.indent {
265 self.writer.write_all(b"\n")?;
266 self.writer.write_all(i.current())?;
267 }
268 Ok(())
269 }
271 /// Write an arbitrary serializable type
272 ///
273 /// Note: If you are attempting to write XML in a non-UTF-8 encoding, this may not
274 /// be safe to use. Rust basic types assume UTF-8 encodings.
275 ///
276 /// ```rust
277 /// # use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
278 /// # use serde::Serialize;
279 /// # use quick_xml::events::{BytesStart, Event};
280 /// # use quick_xml::writer::Writer;
281 /// # use quick_xml::se::SeError;
282 /// # fn main() -> Result<(), SeError> {
283 /// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize)]
284 /// struct MyData {
285 /// question: String,
286 /// answer: u32,
287 /// }
288 ///
289 /// let data = MyData {
290 /// question: "The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything".into(),
291 /// answer: 42,
292 /// };
293 ///
294 /// let mut buffer = Vec::new();
295 /// let mut writer = Writer::new_with_indent(&mut buffer, b' ', 4);
296 ///
297 /// let start = BytesStart::new("root");
298 /// let end = start.to_end();
299 ///
300 /// writer.write_event(Event::Start(start.clone()))?;
301 /// writer.write_serializable("my_data", &data)?;
302 /// writer.write_event(Event::End(end))?;
303 ///
304 /// assert_eq!(
305 /// std::str::from_utf8(&buffer)?,
306 /// r#"<root>
307 /// <my_data>
308 /// <question>The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything</question>
309 /// <answer>42</answer>
310 /// </my_data>
311 /// </root>"#
312 /// );
313 /// # Ok(())
314 /// # }
315 /// ```
316 #[cfg(feature = "serialize")]
317 pub fn write_serializable<T: Serialize>(
318 &mut self,
319 tag_name: &str,
320 content: &T,
321 ) -> Result<(), SeError> {
322 use crate::se::{Indent, Serializer};
324 self.write_indent()?;
325 let mut fmt = ToFmtWrite(&mut self.writer);
326 let mut serializer = Serializer::with_root(&mut fmt, Some(tag_name))?;
328 if let Some(indent) = &mut self.indent {
329 serializer.set_indent(Indent::Borrow(indent));
330 }
332 content.serialize(serializer)?;
334 Ok(())
335 }
338/// Track indent inside elements state
340/// ```mermaid
341/// stateDiagram-v2
342/// [*] --> NoneAttributesWritten
343/// NoneAttributesWritten --> Spaces : .with_attribute()
344/// NoneAttributesWritten --> WriteConfigured : .new_line()
346/// Spaces --> Spaces : .with_attribute()
347/// Spaces --> WriteSpaces : .new_line()
349/// WriteSpaces --> Spaces : .with_attribute()
350/// WriteSpaces --> WriteSpaces : .new_line()
352/// Configured --> Configured : .with_attribute()
353/// Configured --> WriteConfigured : .new_line()
355/// WriteConfigured --> Configured : .with_attribute()
356/// WriteConfigured --> WriteConfigured : .new_line()
357/// ```
359enum AttributeIndent {
360 /// Initial state. `ElementWriter` was just created and no attributes written yet
361 NoneAttributesWritten,
362 /// Write specified count of spaces to indent before writing attribute in `with_attribute()`
363 WriteSpaces(usize),
364 /// Keep space indent that should be used if `new_line()` would be called
365 Spaces(usize),
366 /// Write specified count of indent characters before writing attribute in `with_attribute()`
367 WriteConfigured(usize),
368 /// Keep indent that should be used if `new_line()` would be called
369 Configured(usize),
372/// A struct to write an element. Contains methods to add attributes and inner
373/// elements to the element
374pub struct ElementWriter<'a, W> {
375 writer: &'a mut Writer<W>,
376 start_tag: BytesStart<'a>,
377 state: AttributeIndent,
378 /// Contains spaces used to write space indents of attributes
379 spaces: Vec<u8>,
382impl<'a, W> ElementWriter<'a, W> {
383 /// Adds an attribute to this element.
384 pub fn with_attribute<'b, I>(mut self, attr: I) -> Self
385 where
386 I: Into<Attribute<'b>>,
387 {
388 self.write_attr(attr.into());
389 self
390 }
392 /// Add additional attributes to this element using an iterator.
393 ///
394 /// The yielded items must be convertible to [`Attribute`] using `Into`.
395 pub fn with_attributes<'b, I>(mut self, attributes: I) -> Self
396 where
397 I: IntoIterator,
398 I::Item: Into<Attribute<'b>>,
399 {
400 let mut iter = attributes.into_iter();
401 if let Some(attr) = iter.next() {
402 self.write_attr(attr.into());
403 self.start_tag.extend_attributes(iter);
404 }
405 self
406 }
408 /// Push a new line inside an element between attributes. Note, that this
409 /// method does nothing if [`Writer`] was created without indentation support.
410 ///
411 /// # Examples
412 ///
413 /// The following code
414 ///
415 /// ```
416 /// # use quick_xml::writer::Writer;
417 /// let mut buffer = Vec::new();
418 /// let mut writer = Writer::new_with_indent(&mut buffer, b' ', 2);
419 /// writer
420 /// .create_element("element")
421 /// //.new_line() (1)
422 /// .with_attribute(("first", "1"))
423 /// .with_attribute(("second", "2"))
424 /// .new_line()
425 /// .with_attributes([
426 /// ("third", "3"),
427 /// ("fourth", "4"),
428 /// ])
429 /// //.new_line() (2)
430 /// .write_empty();
431 /// ```
432 /// will produce the following XMLs:
433 /// ```xml
434 /// <!-- result of the code above. Spaces always is used -->
435 /// <element first="1" second="2"
436 /// third="3" fourth="4"/>
437 ///
438 /// <!-- if uncomment only (1) - indent depends on indentation
439 /// settings - 2 spaces here -->
440 /// <element
441 /// first="1" second="2"
442 /// third="3" fourth="4"/>
443 ///
444 /// <!-- if uncomment only (2). Spaces always is used -->
445 /// <element first="1" second="2"
446 /// third="3" fourth="4"
447 /// />
448 /// ```
449 pub fn new_line(mut self) -> Self {
450 if let Some(i) = self.writer.indent.as_mut() {
451 match self.state {
452 // .new_line() called just after .create_element().
453 // Use element indent to additionally indent attributes
454 AttributeIndent::NoneAttributesWritten => {
455 self.state = AttributeIndent::WriteConfigured(i.indent_size)
456 }
458 AttributeIndent::WriteSpaces(_) => {}
459 // .new_line() called when .with_attribute() was called at least once.
460 // The spaces should be used to indent
461 // Plan saved indent
462 AttributeIndent::Spaces(indent) => {
463 self.state = AttributeIndent::WriteSpaces(indent)
464 }
466 AttributeIndent::WriteConfigured(_) => {}
467 // .new_line() called when .with_attribute() was called at least once.
468 // The configured indent characters should be used to indent
469 // Plan saved indent
470 AttributeIndent::Configured(indent) => {
471 self.state = AttributeIndent::WriteConfigured(indent)
472 }
473 }
474 self.start_tag.push_newline();
475 };
476 self
477 }
479 /// Writes attribute and maintain indentation state
480 fn write_attr<'b>(&mut self, attr: Attribute<'b>) {
481 if let Some(i) = self.writer.indent.as_mut() {
482 // Save the indent that we should use next time when .new_line() be called
483 self.state = match self.state {
484 // Neither .new_line() or .with_attribute() yet called
485 // If newline inside attributes will be requested, we should indent them
486 // by the length of tag name and +1 for `<` and +1 for one space
487 AttributeIndent::NoneAttributesWritten => {
488 self.start_tag.push_attribute(attr);
489 AttributeIndent::Spaces(self.start_tag.name().as_ref().len() + 2)
490 }
492 // Indent was requested by previous call to .new_line(), write it
493 // New line was already written
494 AttributeIndent::WriteSpaces(indent) => {
495 if self.spaces.len() < indent {
496 self.spaces.resize(indent, b' ');
497 }
498 self.start_tag.push_indent(&self.spaces[..indent]);
499 self.start_tag.push_attr(attr.into());
500 AttributeIndent::Spaces(indent)
501 }
502 // .new_line() was not called, but .with_attribute() was.
503 // use the previously calculated indent
504 AttributeIndent::Spaces(indent) => {
505 self.start_tag.push_attribute(attr);
506 AttributeIndent::Spaces(indent)
507 }
509 // Indent was requested by previous call to .new_line(), write it
510 // New line was already written
511 AttributeIndent::WriteConfigured(indent) => {
512 self.start_tag.push_indent(i.additional(indent));
513 self.start_tag.push_attr(attr.into());
514 AttributeIndent::Configured(indent)
515 }
516 // .new_line() was not called, but .with_attribute() was.
517 // use the previously calculated indent
518 AttributeIndent::Configured(indent) => {
519 self.start_tag.push_attribute(attr);
520 AttributeIndent::Configured(indent)
521 }
522 };
523 } else {
524 self.start_tag.push_attribute(attr);
525 }
526 }
529impl<'a, W: Write> ElementWriter<'a, W> {
530 /// Write some text inside the current element.
531 pub fn write_text_content(self, text: BytesText) -> io::Result<&'a mut Writer<W>> {
532 self.writer
533 .write_event(Event::Start(self.start_tag.borrow()))?;
534 self.writer.write_event(Event::Text(text))?;
535 self.writer
536 .write_event(Event::End(self.start_tag.to_end()))?;
537 Ok(self.writer)
538 }
540 /// Write a CData event `<![CDATA[...]]>` inside the current element.
541 pub fn write_cdata_content(self, text: BytesCData) -> io::Result<&'a mut Writer<W>> {
542 self.writer
543 .write_event(Event::Start(self.start_tag.borrow()))?;
544 self.writer.write_event(Event::CData(text))?;
545 self.writer
546 .write_event(Event::End(self.start_tag.to_end()))?;
547 Ok(self.writer)
548 }
550 /// Write a processing instruction `<?...?>` inside the current element.
551 pub fn write_pi_content(self, pi: BytesPI) -> io::Result<&'a mut Writer<W>> {
552 self.writer
553 .write_event(Event::Start(self.start_tag.borrow()))?;
554 self.writer.write_event(Event::PI(pi))?;
555 self.writer
556 .write_event(Event::End(self.start_tag.to_end()))?;
557 Ok(self.writer)
558 }
560 /// Write an empty (self-closing) tag.
561 pub fn write_empty(self) -> io::Result<&'a mut Writer<W>> {
562 self.writer.write_event(Event::Empty(self.start_tag))?;
563 Ok(self.writer)
564 }
566 /// Create a new scope for writing XML inside the current element.
567 pub fn write_inner_content<F>(self, closure: F) -> io::Result<&'a mut Writer<W>>
568 where
569 F: FnOnce(&mut Writer<W>) -> io::Result<()>,
570 {
571 self.writer
572 .write_event(Event::Start(self.start_tag.borrow()))?;
573 closure(self.writer)?;
574 self.writer
575 .write_event(Event::End(self.start_tag.to_end()))?;
576 Ok(self.writer)
577 }
579#[cfg(feature = "serialize")]
580pub(crate) struct ToFmtWrite<T>(pub T);
582#[cfg(feature = "serialize")]
583impl<T> std::fmt::Write for ToFmtWrite<T>
585 T: std::io::Write,
587 fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> std::fmt::Result {
588 self.0.write_all(s.as_bytes()).map_err(|_| std::fmt::Error)
589 }
593pub(crate) struct Indentation {
594 /// todo: this is an awkward fit as it has no impact on indentation logic, but it is
595 /// only applicable when an indentation exists. Potentially refactor later
596 should_line_break: bool,
597 /// The character code to be used for indentations (e.g. ` ` or `\t`)
598 indent_char: u8,
599 /// How many instances of the indent character ought to be used for each level of indentation
600 indent_size: usize,
601 /// Used as a cache for the bytes used for indentation
602 indents: Vec<u8>,
603 /// The current amount of indentation
604 current_indent_len: usize,
607impl Indentation {
608 pub fn new(indent_char: u8, indent_size: usize) -> Self {
609 Self {
610 should_line_break: false,
611 indent_char,
612 indent_size,
613 indents: vec![indent_char; 128],
614 current_indent_len: 0, // invariant - needs to remain less than indents.len()
615 }
616 }
618 /// Increase indentation by one level
619 pub fn grow(&mut self) {
620 self.current_indent_len += self.indent_size;
621 self.ensure(self.current_indent_len);
622 }
624 /// Decrease indentation by one level. Do nothing, if level already zero
625 pub fn shrink(&mut self) {
626 self.current_indent_len = self.current_indent_len.saturating_sub(self.indent_size);
627 }
629 /// Returns indent string for current level
630 pub fn current(&self) -> &[u8] {
631 &self.indents[..self.current_indent_len]
632 }
634 /// Returns indent with current indent plus additional indent
635 pub fn additional(&mut self, additional_indent: usize) -> &[u8] {
636 let new_len = self.current_indent_len + additional_indent;
637 self.ensure(new_len);
638 &self.indents[..new_len]
639 }
641 fn ensure(&mut self, new_len: usize) {
642 if self.indents.len() < new_len {
643 self.indents.resize(new_len, self.indent_char);
644 }
645 }