rand_mt 4.2.2

Reference Mersenne Twister random number generators.
# rand_mt

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Implements a selection of Mersenne Twister random number generators.

> A very fast random number generator of period 2<sup>19937</sup>-1. (Makoto
> Matsumoto, 1997).

The Mersenne Twister algorithms are not suitable for cryptographic uses, but are
ubiquitous. See the [Mersenne Twister website]. A variant of Mersenne Twister is
the [default PRNG in Ruby].

This crate optionally depends on [`rand_core`] and implements `RngCore` on the
RNGs in this crate.

## Usage

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

rand_mt = "4.2.2"

Then create a RNG like:

use rand_mt::Mt64;

let mut rng = Mt64::new_unseeded();
assert_ne!(rng.next_u64(), rng.next_u64());

## Crate Features

`rand_mt` is `no_std` compatible. `rand_mt` has several optional features that
are enabled by default:

- **rand-traits** - Enables a dependency on [`rand_core`]. Activating this
  feature implements `RngCore` and `SeedableRng` on the RNGs in this crate.
- **std** - Enables a dependency on the Rust Standard Library. Activating this
  feature enables [`std::error::Error`] impls on error types in this crate.

Mersenne Twister requires approximately 2.5 kilobytes of internal state. To make
the RNGs implemented in this crate practical to embed in other structs, you may
wish to store the RNG in a `Box`.

### Minimum Supported Rust Version

This crate requires at least Rust 1.47.0. This version can be bumped in minor

## License

`rand_mt` is distributed under the terms of either the
[MIT License](LICENSE-MIT) or the
[Apache License (Version 2.0)](LICENSE-APACHE).

`rand_mt` is derived from `rust-mersenne-twister` @ [`1.1.1`] which is Copyright
(c) 2015 rust-mersenne-twister developers.

[mersenne twister website]:
[default prng in ruby]: https://ruby-doc.org/core-3.1.2/Random.html
[`rand_core`]: https://crates.io/crates/rand_core
[`rand_core`]: https://crates.io/crates/rand_core
[`std::error::error`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/error/trait.Error.html
[`1.1.1`]: https://github.com/dcrewi/rust-mersenne-twister/tree/1.1.1