rangemap 1.5.1

Map and set data structures whose keys are stored as ranges. Contiguous and overlapping ranges that map to the same value are coalesced into a single range.
harness = false
name = "benches"
optional = true
version = "1"
version = "0.4"

version = "= 0.3.5"

version = "0.4"

version = "1.4.0"

version = "0.8"

version = "0.4"

version = "1"

version = "0.3.1"

const_fn = []
nightly = []
serde1 = ["serde"]

authors = ["Jeff Parsons <jeff@parsons.io>"]
categories = ["data-structures"]
description = "Map and set data structures whose keys are stored as ranges.\n\nContiguous and overlapping ranges that map to the same value are coalesced into a single range.\n"
documentation = "https://docs.rs/rangemap"
edition = "2018"
homepage = "https://github.com/jeffparsons/rangemap"
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
name = "rangemap"
readme = "README.md"
repository = "https://github.com/jeffparsons/rangemap"
rust-version = "1.66.0"
version = "1.5.1"