rasn-compiler 0.7.5

An ASN.1 compiler producing bindings for the rasn framework
# Rasn compiler

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[Try compiling some ASN.1 online.](https://librasn.github.io/)

The `rasn-compiler` library is a parser combinator that parses ASN.1 specifications and outputs bindings for ASN.1 data
elements using pluggable backends. Currently, the compiler can output:

-   rust bindings to be used with the [`rasn`]https://github.com/librasn/rasn crate
-   typescript type definitions for [JER]https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.697/en-encoded ASN.1 data elements

The compiler heavily relies on the great library [nom](https://docs.rs/nom/latest/nom/) for its basic parsers. The
parser has been designed to generate bindings for ASN.1 and it should not be used as a validating tool for ASN.1

## Example

In order to compile ASN.1 in your build process, invoke the `rasn-compiler` in your
[`build.rs` build script](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/build-scripts.html).

// build.rs build script
use std::path::PathBuf;
use rasn_compiler::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // Initialize the compiler with the rust/rasn backend.
    // To use the typescript backend, initialize the compiler using
    // `Compiler::<TypescriptBackend, _>::new()`
    match Compiler::<RasnBackend, _>::new()
        // add a single ASN1 source file
        // add several ASN1 source files
        // set an output path for the generated rust code
        // you may also compile literal ASN1 snippets
            "TestModule DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS::= BEGIN {} END",
            "My-test-integer ::= INTEGER (1..128)"
        .compile() {
        Ok(warnings /* Vec<Box<dyn Error>> */) => { /* handle compilation warnings */ }
        Err(error /* Box<dyn Error> */) => { /* handle unrecoverable compilation error */ }

### Configuring the Backend

The compiler backends can be configured by instantiating the compiler using the `Compiler::new_with_config` constructor.

#### `rasn` Backend Configuration

The `RasnBackend` configuration supports the following parameters:

-   **opaque_open_types**: `bool`: [Default: `false`] ASN.1 Open Types are represented as the `rasn::types::Any` type,
    which holds a binary `content`. If `opaque_open_types` is `false`, the compiler will generate additional de-/encode methods for
    all rust types that hold an open type. For example, bindings for a `SEQUENCE` with a field of Open Type value will include a method for explicitly decoding the Open Type field. _Non-opaque open types are still
    experimental. If you have trouble generating correct bindings, switch back to opaque open types._
-   **default_wildcard_imports**: `bool`: [Default: `false`] The compiler will try to match module import dependencies
    of the ASN.1 module as close as possible, importing only those types from other modules that are imported in the
    ASN.1 module. If the `default_wildcard_imports` is set to `true` , the compiler will instead always import the
    entire module using the wildcard `*` for each module that the input ASN.1 module imports from.

### Creating a Custom Backend

The compiler's backend can be replaced with a custom backend to generate bindings for a different language or framework.
Backends must implement the `Backend` trait that `rasn-compiler` exports.

// build.rs build script
use std::path::PathBuf;
use rasn_compiler::prelude::*;

// The `Backend` trait requires the implementor to implement `Default`
struct CustomBackend;

impl Backend for CustomBackend {
    type Config = ();

    const FILE_EXTENSION: &'static str = ".ext";

    fn generate_module(
         &mut self,
         top_level_declarations: Vec<ToplevelDefinition>,
    ) -> Result<GeneratedModule, GeneratorError> {

    fn generate(
        tld: ToplevelDefinition
    ) -> Result<String, GeneratorError> {

    fn config(&self) -> &Self::Config {

    fn from_config(config: Self::Config) -> Self {

    fn new(
        config: Self::Config,
        tagging_environment: TaggingEnvironment,
        extensibility_environment: ExtensibilityEnvironment,
    ) -> Self {

fn main() {
    // Initialize the compiler
    match Compiler::<CustomBackend, _>::new()
        // add a single ASN1 source file
        // add several ASN1 source files
        // set an output path for the generated rust code
        // you may also compile literal ASN1 snippets
            "TestModule DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS::= BEGIN {} END",
            "My-test-integer ::= INTEGER (1..128)"
        .compile() {
        Ok(warnings /* Vec<Box<dyn Error>> */) => { /* handle compilation warnings */ }
        Err(error /* Box<dyn Error> */) => { /* handle unrecoverable compilation error */ }

## CLI

The `rasn-compiler` provides a CLI application that can be activated with the `cli` cargo feature. Run
`./rasn_compiler_cli -h` for usage info.

## ASN1 Support

ASN1 is a complex standard, and not all of its features and encoding rules are supported, yet.

Currently, `rasn` supports the following encoding rules:

-   Basic Encoding Rules (BER)
-   Canonical Encoding Rules (CER)
-   Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)
-   Aligned Packed Encoding Rules (APER)
-   Unaligned Packed Encoding Rules (UPER)
-   JSON Encoding Rules (JER)

`rasn` and the `rasn-compiler` support the following ASN1 features:

#### Types

-   `NULL` type and value
-   `BOOLEAN` type and value
-   `NumericString` type and value
-   `VisibleString` type and value
-   `IA5String` type and value
-   `GeneralString` type and value
-   `UTF8String` type and value
-   `BMPString` type and value
-   `PrintableString` type and value
-   `BIT STRING` type and value (hex- and bitstring declations)
-   `OCTET STRING` type and value (hex- and bitstring declations)
-   `OBJECT IDENTIFIER` type and value
-   `RELATIVE-OID` type and value
-   `SEQUENCE` type and value
-   `SET` type and value
-   `SEQUENCE OF` type and value
-   `SET OF` type and value
-   `ENUMERATED` type and value
-   `CHOICE` type and value
-   `UTCTime` type and value
-   `GeneralizedTime` type and value

#### Constraints

-   Single value constraints
-   Value range constraints
-   Contained subtype constraints
-   Size constraints
-   Permitted alphabet constraints
-   Constraint set operations
-   Table constraints

#### Misc

-   `DEFAULT` member values
-   `COMPONENTS OF` notation
-   Choice selection type notation (e.g. `option-1 < Example-choice`)
-   extensions and extension groups
-   Parameterization (the `rasn-compiler` creates rust representations for invocations of the parameterized data
    elements in the given spec, i.e. it does not preserve the parameterization itself)
-   Information Object Classes (however, they are not represented in the rust bindings)
-   Information Objects
-   Information Object Sets

## Troubleshooting

If you have trouble generating correct bindings:
 * try playing around with the compiler configuration that can be passed to the `Compiler::new_with_config` constructor
 * open an issue [here]https://github.com/librasn/compiler/issues, if possible with a sample of the problematic ASN.1 spec