rc-zip 5.3.1

An I/O-agnostic implementation of the zip file format
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).

## [Unreleased]

## [5.3.1]https://github.com/bearcove/rc-zip/compare/rc-zip-v5.3.0...rc-zip-v5.3.1 - 2025-03-02

### Other

- Bump bzip2 to v0.5.0

## [5.3.0]https://github.com/bearcove/rc-zip/compare/rc-zip-v5.2.0...rc-zip-v5.3.0 - 2025-02-05

### Added

- derive Eq and PartialEq for EntryKind (#95)

## [5.2.0]https://github.com/bearcove/rc-zip/compare/rc-zip-v5.1.3...rc-zip-v5.2.0 - 2024-12-17

### Added

- Export DecompressOutcome

## [5.1.3]https://github.com/bearcove/rc-zip/compare/rc-zip-v5.1.2...rc-zip-v5.1.3 - 2024-09-17

### Other

- Remove unnecessary deps
- Add/fix logo attribution

## [5.1.2]https://github.com/bearcove/rc-zip/compare/rc-zip-v5.1.1...rc-zip-v5.1.2 - 2024-09-05

### Other
- Update logo attribution

## [5.1.1]https://github.com/bearcove/rc-zip/compare/rc-zip-v5.1.0...rc-zip-v5.1.1 - 2024-09-04

### Other
- Add rc-zip logo to main crate, too

## [5.1.0]https://github.com/fasterthanlime/rc-zip/compare/rc-zip-v5.0.1...rc-zip-v5.1.0 - 2024-03-19

### Added
- Measure code coverage differently ([#79]https://github.com/fasterthanlime/rc-zip/pull/79)
- Run one-byte-read tests in CI in release ([#77]https://github.com/fasterthanlime/rc-zip/pull/77)
- Resolve winnow + chrono deprecations ([#70]https://github.com/fasterthanlime/rc-zip/pull/70)

### Fixed
- lzma_dec: count all input in outcome.bytes_read
- In Entry FSM, don't recurse infinitely if buffer doesn't contain full local header
- Fix doc comment for read_offset

### Other
- Fix zstd bug similar to lzma bug

## [5.0.1]https://github.com/fasterthanlime/rc-zip/compare/rc-zip-v5.0.0...rc-zip-v5.0.1 - 2024-03-12

### Other
- Point rc-zip crate's README to its own README? release-plz is confused

## [5.0.0]https://github.com/fasterthanlime/rc-zip/compare/rc-zip-v4.0.0...rc-zip-v5.0.0 - 2024-03-12

### Added
- Add fuzz target, fix several panics ([#67]https://github.com/fasterthanlime/rc-zip/pull/67)

### Other
- Decomplexify match some more
- Decomplexify match

## [4.0.0]https://github.com/fasterthanlime/rc-zip/compare/rc-zip-v3.0.0...rc-zip-v4.0.0 - 2024-02-05

### Added
- [**breaking**] Introduce `ReadZipStreaming` trait ([#62]https://github.com/fasterthanlime/rc-zip/pull/62)

### Other
- Remove unused dependencies

## [3.0.0]https://github.com/fasterthanlime/rc-zip/compare/rc-zip-v2.0.1...rc-zip-v3.0.0 - 2024-02-02

### Other
- Introduce rc-zip-sync, rc-zip-tokio ([#60]https://github.com/fasterthanlime/rc-zip/pull/60)