rdkafka 0.28.0

Rust wrapper for librdkafka
# Maintainer and contributor instructions

## Compiling from source

To compile from source, you'll have to initialize the submodule containing

git submodule update --init

and then compile using `cargo`, selecting the features that you want.

cargo build --features "ssl gssapi"

## Tests

### Unit tests

The unit tests can run without a Kafka broker present:

cargo test --lib

### Automatic testing

rust-rdkafka contains a suite of tests which is automatically executed by travis in
docker-compose. Given the interaction with C code that rust-rdkafka has to do, tests
are executed in valgrind to check eventual memory errors and leaks.

To run the full suite using docker-compose:


To run locally, instead:

KAFKA_HOST="kafka_server:9092" cargo test

In this case there is a broker expected to be running on `KAFKA_HOST`.
The broker must be configured with default partition number 3 and topic
autocreation in order for the tests to succeed.