re_space_view_dataframe 0.20.1

A space view that shows the data contained in entities in a table.
authors.workspace = true
description = "A space view that shows the data contained in entities in a table."
edition.workspace = true
homepage.workspace = true
license.workspace = true
name = "re_space_view_dataframe"
publish = true
readme = ""
repository.workspace = true
rust-version.workspace = true
version.workspace = true
include = ["../../LICENSE-APACHE", "../../LICENSE-MIT", "**/*.rs", "Cargo.toml"]

workspace = true

all-features = true

re_chunk_store.workspace = true
re_dataframe.workspace = true
re_format.workspace = true
re_log_types.workspace = true
re_log.workspace = true
re_renderer.workspace = true
re_tracing.workspace = true
re_types_core.workspace = true
re_types.workspace = true
re_ui.workspace = true
re_viewer_context.workspace = true
re_viewport_blueprint.workspace = true

anyhow.workspace = true
egui_table.workspace = true
egui.workspace = true
itertools.workspace = true
thiserror.workspace = true