recoverable-thread-pool 0.0.1

A thread pool that supports automatic recovery from panics, allowing threads to restart after a panic. Useful for resilient and fault-tolerant concurrency in network and web programming.
## recoverable-thread-pool


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> A thread pool that supports automatic recovery from panics, allowing threads to restart after a panic. Useful for resilient and fault-tolerant concurrency in network and web programming.

## Installation

To use this crate, you can run cmd:

cargo add recoverable-thread-pool

## Use

use recoverable_thread_pool::*;
let thread_pool: ThreadPool = ThreadPool::new(2);
thread_pool.execute(|| {
thread_pool.execute(|| {

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.

## Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.

## Contact

For any inquiries, please reach out to the author at [ltpp-universe <>](