reflexo-typst 0.5.4

Bridge Typst to Web Rendering, with power of typst.

name = "reflexo-typst"

description = "Bridge Typst to Web Rendering, with power of typst."

authors.workspace = true

version.workspace = true

license.workspace = true

edition.workspace = true

homepage.workspace = true

repository.workspace = true


typst.workspace = true

typst-pdf = { workspace = true, optional = true }

reflexo-typst2vec.workspace = true

reflexo.workspace = true

reflexo-vfs.workspace = true

reflexo-world.workspace = true

comemo.workspace = true

ecow.workspace = true

fxhash.workspace = true

serde.workspace = true

serde_json.workspace = true

log.workspace = true

rayon.workspace = true

rkyv = { workspace = true, optional = true }

ansi_term = { workspace = true, optional = true }

js-sys = { workspace = true, optional = true }

web-sys = { workspace = true, optional = true, features = ["console"] }

codespan-reporting.workspace = true

dirs = { workspace = true, optional = true }

walkdir = { workspace = true, optional = true }

tokio = { workspace = true, optional = true }

futures = "0.3.30"

fontdb = { workspace = true, optional = true }

notify = { workspace = true, optional = true }

parking_lot.workspace = true

indexmap.workspace = true

nohash-hasher.workspace = true

pathdiff.workspace = true

tar.workspace = true

reflexo-vec2svg = { workspace = true, optional = true }


default = ["full"]

full = ["system", "web", "dynamic-layout", "glyph2vec", "flat-vector"]

system = ["system-compile", "system-watch"]

web = ["web-render", "browser-compile"]

flat-vector = ["reflexo/flat-vector"]

lazy-fontdb = []

experimental-ligature = ["reflexo-vec2svg/experimental-ligature"]

no-content-hint = ["reflexo-typst2vec/no-content-hint"]

glyph2vec = ["reflexo-typst2vec/glyph2vec"]

dynamic-layout = ["dep:reflexo-vec2svg"]

system-compile = ["glyph2vec", "reflexo-vfs/system", "reflexo-world/system"]

system-watch = ["dep:notify", "dep:tokio"]

browser-compile = [







browser-embedded-fonts = ["__web"]

__web = ["dep:js-sys", "dep:web-sys"]

__web_render = ["__web", "reflexo-vfs/web", "reflexo-world/web"]

web-render = ["__web_render"]

ast = ["ansi_term"]

pdf = ["typst-pdf"]

svg = ["dep:reflexo-vec2svg"]