region 3.0.2

Cross-platform virtual memory API
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

## [Unreleased]

## [3.0.2] - 2024-03-25

### Removed

- Removed explicit support for OpenBSD < 7.x (req libc locking)

### Fixed

- Dropped explicit versioning of `libc` version.

## [3.0.1] - 2024-03-06

### Added

- Added support for NetBSD.
- Added support for non-standard UNIX flags w/ `Protection::from_bits_*`.

### Changed

- Replaced deprecated `winapi` with `windows-sys`.
- Replaced deprecated `mach` with `mach2`.

### Fixed

- Fixed `query` to recursively query pages on macOS.
- Fixed `MAP_JIT` to be set when allocating (R)WX pages on macOS (aarch64).

## [3.0.0] - 2021-08-05

### Added 

- Added support for OpenBSD.
- Added support for Illumos.
- Added support for memory allocations (`alloc` & `alloc_at`).
- Added `QueryIter` for lazily iterating regions.
- Added `inline` annotation where applicable.

### Changed

- Addresses are now defined as `*const T` (instead of `*const u8`).
- `Region` state has been internalized, now exposed via methods.
- `Error` enumerations have been altered.
- `query_iter` now returns an iterator.

### Removed

- Removed `page::size_from_range`.
- Removed deprecated functionality.
