# Relm4 icons - Icons for your gtk-rs and Relm4 applications!
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More than 3000 icons, ready for use in your app!
## Usage
### 1. Find your icons 🔍
You can either use the of the over 3000 shipped icons or your own icons.
You can browse the shipped icons using one of the following methods:
For icons from the GNOME [icon-development-kit](https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Design/icon-development-kit):
+ Install [Icon library](https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.gnome.design.IconLibrary)
+ Browse the [GNOME icon resource](https://teams.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/Design/icon-development-kit-www/)
For icons from [Fluent UI System Icons](https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui-system-icons):
+ Browse the [fluent icon library catalog](https://aka.ms/fluentui-system-icons)
For browsing all shipped icons:
+ Use the icon previews provided by in this repo: [16x16](icons16.md), [32x32](icons32.md) and [64x64](icons64.md)
> Sometimes, icons-development-kit and Fluent UI System Icons have overlapping icon names, so the postfix "-alt" is added.
### 2. Specify your icons 🖼️
Create a file called `icons.toml` next to the `Cargo.toml` file of your app:
# Recommended: Specify your app ID *OR* your base resource path for more robust icon loading
app_id = "com.my.app"
base_resource_path = "/com/my/app/"
# List of icon names you found (shipped with this crate)
# Note: the file ending `-symbolic.svg` isn't part of the icon name.
icons = ["plus", "minus"]
# Optional: Specify a folder containing your own SVG icons
icon_folder = "my_svg_icons"
### 3. Add Relm4 icons ✍
relm4-icons = "0.8.0"
### 4. Load the icons 🛫
Add this to your initialization code:
### 5. Use the icons 🎉
Use `set_icon_name` and similar methods to use your icons, for example with
[`MenuButton`](https://gtk-rs.org/gtk4-rs/git/docs/gtk4/struct.MenuButton.html#method.set_icon_name) or
#### Example
let button = gtk::Button::default();
You can also use the `icon_names` module for extra compile-time generated icon names.
use relm4_icons::icon_names;
let button = gtk::Button::default();
## How it works
### Crate
1. Collect all icons specified in the config file
2. Build a gresource bundle containing *only the selected icons*
3. Include the gresource file in the compiled binary
4. On initialization load the gresource file
### Add new icons
To add new icons, move them into the `icons` folder and make sure their file name ends with `-symbolic.svg`.
Then run the following commands:
cd update_icons
cargo run
## Credit
+ GNOME contributors for providing so many outstanding icons
+ [gvdb-rs](https://github.com/felinira/gvdb-rs) for providing a great crate for interacting with gresources in pure Rust
+ [gtk-rs](https://gtk-rs.org) for outstanding Rust bindings for GTK4
## Legal
The source code of Relm4 icons is licensed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).
### Icons
+ The icons in the `icons/icon-development-kit` folder are licensed under the terms of the [CC0 license](https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/) and therefore public domain.
+ The icons in the `icons/fluentui-system-icons` folder are licensed under the terms of the [MIT license](https://opensource.org/license/MIT/).
Both licenses should work for both open source and proprietary applications (without warranty).