rfd 0.10.0

Rusty File Dialog

[![dependency status](https://deps.rs/crate/rfd/0.8.4/status.svg)](https://deps.rs/crate/rfd/0.8.4)

Rusty File Dialogs is a cross platform Rust library for using native file open/save dialogs.
It provides both asynchronous and synchronous APIs. Supported platforms:

  * Windows
  * macOS
  * Linux & BSDs (GTK3 or XDG Desktop Portal)
  * WASM32 (async only)

Refer to the [documentation](https://docs.rs/rfd) for more details.

## Platform-specific notes

### Linux
Please refer to [Linux & BSD backends](https://docs.rs/rfd/latest/rfd/#linux--bsd-backends) for information about the needed dependencies to be able to compile on Linux.