ron 0.9.0

Rusty Object Notation
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## Unreleased

## [0.9.0] - 2025-03-18

### API Changes

- Add `ron::value::RawValue` helper type which can (de)serialize any valid RON ([#407]
- Add `escape_strings` option to `PrettyConfig` to allow serialising with or without escaping ([#426]
- Add `compact_maps` and `compact_structs` options to `PrettyConfig` to allow serialising maps and structs on a single line ([#448]
- Add minimal support for `#[serde(flatten)]` with roundtripping through RON maps ([#455]
- Add minimal roundtripping support for `#[serde(tag = "tag")]`, `#[serde(tag = "tag", content = "content")]`, and `#[serde(untagged)]` enums ([#451]
- Breaking: Expand the `value::Number` enum to explicitly encode all possible number types ([#479]
- Add `number_suffixes` option to `PrettyConfig` to allow serialising numbers with their explicit type suffix, e.g. `42i32` ([#481]
- Allow `ron::value::RawValue` to capture any whitespace to the left and right of a ron value ([#487]
- Breaking: Enforce that ron always writes valid UTF-8 ([#488]
- Add convenient `Value::from` impls ([#498]
- Add new extension `explicit_struct_names` which requires that struct names are included during deserialization ([#522]
- Add new path-based field metadata serialization support via `PrettyConfig` ([#544]
- Breaking: Change `PrettyConfig` so that `new_line`, `indentor` and `separator` are all `Cow<'static, str>` instead of `String` ([#546]

### Format Changes

- [Non-API] Breaking: Treat `Some` like a newtype variant with `unwrap_variant_newtypes` ([#465]
- Allow parsing floating point literals with underscores ([#481]
- **Format-Breaking:** Switch from base64-encoded to Rusty byte strings, still allow base64 deserialising for now ([#438]
- Fix issue [#241] and allow parsing numbers with explicit type suffixes, e.g. `1u8` or `-1f32` ([#481]
- Add support for byte literals as strongly typed unsigned 8-bit integers ([#438]
- Fix issue [#321] and allow parsing UTF-8 identifiers ([#488]

### Bug Fixes

- Fix parsing `r` as a self-describing struct or variant name (and not the start of a raw string) ([#465]
- Fix serialising raw strings containing a literal backslash ([#465]
- Fix serialising `None` inside a stack of nested `Option`s with `#![enable(implicit_some)]` enabled ([#465]
- Fix deserialising deserialising `A('/')` into a `ron::Value` ([#465]
- Fix issue [#445] and allow parsing `+unsigned` as an unsigned int ([#479]
- Fix serialising reserved identifiers `true`, `false`, `Some`, `None`, `inf`[`f32`|`f64`], and `Nan`[`f32`|`f64`] [#487](
- Disallow unclosed line comments at the end of `ron::value::RawValue` ([#489]
- Fix parsing of struct/variant names starting in `None`, `Some`, `true`, or `false` ([#499]
- Fix deserialising owned string field names in structs, allowing deserializing into `serde_json::Value`s ([#511]

### Miscellaneous

- Add CIFuzz GitHub action ([#429]
- Update the arbitrary fuzzer to check arbitrary serde data types, values, and `ron::ser::PrettyConfig`s ([#465]
- Add a benchmark for PRs that runs over the latest fuzzer corpus ([#465]
- Fuzz serde enum representations and collect current limitations in ron and serde ([#502]
- Update `base64` dependency to version 0.22 ([#529]
- Fix issue [#556] and update minium dependency versions ([#557]

## [0.8.1] - 2023-08-17

- Fix issues [#277] and [#405] with `Value::Map` `IntoIter` and extraneous item check for `Value::Seq` ([#406]
- Fix issue [#401] with correct raw struct name identifier parsing ([#402]
- Fix issue [#410] trailing comma parsing in tuples and `Some` ([#412]
- Error instead of panic when deserializing non-identifiers as field names ([#415]
- [Non-API] Breaking: Fix issue [#307] stack overflow with explicit recursion limits in serialising and deserialising ([#420]
- Fix issue [#423] deserialising an identifier into a borrowed str ([#424]
- Bump MSRV to 1.57.0 and bump dependency: `base64` to 0.20 ([#431]
- Bump dependency `base64` to 0.21 ([#433]
- Depend on `serde_derive` directly to potentially enable more compilation parallelism ([#441]
- [Non-API] Breaking: Bump `bitflags` dependency to 2.0, changes `serde` impls of `Extensions` ([#443]
- Add `Map::retain` method ([#460]
- Bump MSRV to 1.64.0 and bump dependency: `indexmap` to 2.0 ([#459]

## [0.8.0] - 2022-08-17

- Bump dependencies: `bitflags` to 1.3, `indexmap` to 1.9 ([#399]
- Add `integer128` feature that guards `i128` and `u128` ([#304], [#351]
- Fix issue [#265] with better missing comma error ([#353]
- Fix issue [#301] with better error messages ([#354]
- Fix issue [#337] by removing `decimal_floats` PrettyConfig option and unconditional decimals in floats ([#363]
- Fix issue [#203] with full de error positioning ([#356]
- Expand the `ron::Error` enum to distinguish `serde` errors like `NoSuchEnumVariant` and `MissingStructField` with error positioning ([#394]
- Bump MSRV to 1.56.0 ([#396]

## [0.7.1] - 2022-06-15

- Add `struct_names` option to `PrettyConfig` ([#329]
- Fix newtype variant unwrapping around enum, seq and map ([#331]
- Implement `unwrap_newtypes` extension during serialization ([#333]
- Implement `unwrap_variant_newtypes` extension during serialization ([#336]
- Add `compact_arrays` ([#299] and `separator` options to `PrettyConfig` ([#349]
- Fix issue [#338] value map roundtrip ([#341]
- Fix issue [#289] enumerate_arrays comments ([#344]
- Report struct name in expected struct error ([#342]
- Add `Options` builder to configure the RON serde roundtrip ([#343]
- Fix issue [#367] with eager implicit some ([#368]
- Fix issue [#359] with `DeserializeSeed` support ([#360]
- Fix issue [#370] with `FromStr`-equivalent float EBNF and `Error::FloatUnderscore` ([#371]
- Fix issue [#374] extraneous .0 for small floats ([#372]
- Deprecate `Serializer::new` ([#382]

## [0.7.0] - 2021-10-22

- Add `unwrap_variant_newtypes` extension ([#319]
- Change MSRV to 1.36

## [0.6.6] - 2021-10-21

- Fix serialization of raw identifiers ([#323]

## [0.6.5] - 2021-09-09
- support serde renames that start with a digit

## [0.6.3] - 2020-12-18
- bump `base64` dependency to 0.13

## [0.6.2] - 2020-09-09

- Added `decimal_floats` PrettyConfig option, which always includes decimals in floats (`1.0` vs `1`) ([#237]
- Fixed EBNF grammar for raw strings ([#236], unsigned integers ([#248], and nested comments ([#272]
- Added `ser::to_writer_pretty` ([#269]
- Sped up parsing using table predicates ([#276]

## [0.6.1] - 2020-07-14

### Fixes

- Fix array formatting regression ([#260]

## [0.6.0] - 2020-05-21

### Additions
- Implement integer support in Numbers ([#210]
- Port `ser::Serializer` to `io::Write` ([#206]
- Support i128 and u128 ([#219]
- Allow pretty ser to work with implicit-some extension ([#182]
- Make PrettyConfig future-proof ([#173]
- Use indexmap to preserve order (optional) ([#172]
- Add tests for different enum representations ([#166]
- Implement inf, -inf and NaN handling ([#163]
- Add VS code language tooling ([#160]
- Be smarter about integer deserialization ([#157]

### Fixes
- Fix parsing of borrowed strings ([#228]
- Fix depth limit test for off-by-one fix ([#225]
- Remove deprecated uses of `Error::description` ([#208]
- Preserve ordering of map sequences ([#197]
- Remove unneeded Neg requirement for signed_integer ([#193]
- Ensure "Untagged tuple-like enum variants not deserializing correctly……" is fixed ([#170]

### Changes
- Update `serde` requirement to 1.0.60 ([#226]
- Replace Travis with GitHub actions ([#223]
- Rename `format_doc_comments` to `format_code_in_doc_comment`
- Update base64 requirement from 0.11 to 0.12 ([#204]
- Update base64 requirement from 0.10 to 0.11 ([#195]
- Update `serde_bytes` to 0.11 ([#164]

## [0.5.1] - 2019-04-05
### Fixes
- Increase source compability from Rust `1.34.0` to `1.31.0` by not relying on `as _` imports ([#156]

## [0.5.0] - 2019-03-31
### Additions
- Don't insert new lines in empty arrays or maps ([#150]
### Changes
- Transition to Rust 2018 ([#149]

## [0.4.2] - 2019-03-01
### Additions
- Add integer check for deserializer ([#148]
- Implement `Value::into_rust` ([#146]

## [0.4.1] - 2019-01-09
### Additions
- Allow underscores in integers ([#135]
- Added extension documentation ([#130]
### Changes
- Move sublime text syntax to separate repo ([#138]
- Update `base64` crate dependency to 0.10 ([#137]

## [0.4.0] - 2018-08-11
### Fixes
- Handle tuple deserialization in deserialize_any properly ([#124]
### Changes
- Add raw string syntax to grammar ([#125]
- Reexport `Value` at root ([#120]

## [0.3.0] - 2018-06-15
### Additions
- `serde_bytes` fields to be encoded using base64. ([#109]
### Fixes
- Allow raw string literals ([#114]
### Changes
- Now depends on `base64` 0.9.2.

## [0.2.2] - 2018-05-19
### Fixes
- Allow whitespace in newtype variants ([#104]

## [0.2.1] - 2018-05-04
### Additions
- Add multi-line comments ([#98]
### Fixes
- Allow more whitespace inside newtypes ([#103]

## [0.2.0] - 2018-02-14
### Additions
- Limit the pretty depth ([#93]
- Add support for `\x??` and improve unicode escapes ([#84]

## [0.1.7] - 2018-01-24
### Additions
- Deep array indexing ([#88]
- Pretty sequence indexing ([#86]
- Add unicode support for chars ([#80]
- Add support for hex, oct and bin numbers ([#78]
- Allow implicit Some ([#75]
- Add grammar specification ([#73]
- Add extension support and first extension, unwrap_newtypes ([#72]
### Fixes
- Directly serialize `f32` ([#81]

## [0.1.6] - 2018-01-24
### Additions
- Implement sequence indexing ([#87]
### Fixes
- Remove ident variable from Sublime syntax ([#71]

## [0.1.5] - 2017-12-27
### Additions
- Allow creating a new serializer ([#70]
- Sublime syntax highlighter ([#67]
- Add support for integers ([#65]
- Implement `Deserializer` for `Value` ([#64]

## [0.1.4] - 2017-10-12
### Additions
- Add `PrettyConfig` ([#61]
- impl `deserialize_ignored_any` for `id` ([#60]
### Fixes
- Fix  deserializing of ignored fields ([#62]

## [0.1.3] - 2017-10-06
### Fixes
- Removed indentation from tuple variant pretty encoder ([#57]

## [0.1.2] - 2017-10-06
### Fixes
- Fix decoding of string literals ([#56]
- Add `Value` and implement `deserialize_any` ([#53]

## [0.1.1] - 2017-08-07
### Fixes
- Be more permissive wrt whitespace decoding ([#41]
### Additions
- Add utility function to deserialize from `std::io::Read` ([#42]

## [0.1.0] - 2015-08-04
### Changes
- Reorganize deserialization modules ([#30]
- Rework deserializer not to require `pom` crate [#27], ([#38]
- Dual license under Apache 2.0 and MIT ([#26]
### Fixes
- Use CRLF for serializatio on Windows ([#32]
- Fix bors-ng to work with travis ([#31]
- Handle escapes ([#23]
### Additions
- Improve error reporting ([#29]
- Allow decoding of comments ([#28]
- Add `pretty` option to serializer ([#25]
- Add roundtrip tests ([#24]

## [0.0.1] - 2015-07-30
Initial release