# Rspack Resolver
> [!NOTE]
> This is a fork of [oxc-resolver](https://github.com/oxc-project/oxc-resolver), and will be used in Rspack cause 100% compatible with enhanced-resolve it the non-goal of oxc-resolver itself, we may add enhanced-resolve specific features like [`pnp support`](https://github.com/web-infra-dev/rspack/issues/2236) and [`alternative support`](https://github.com/web-infra-dev/rspack/issues/5052) in the future.
Rust port of [enhanced-resolve].
* built-in [tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin]
* support extending tsconfig defined in `tsconfig.extends`
* support paths alias defined in `tsconfig.compilerOptions.paths`
* support project references defined `tsconfig.references`
* support [template variable ${configDir} for substitution of config files directory path](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/58042)
* supports in-memory file system via the `FileSystem` trait
* contains `tracing` instrumentation
## Usage
The following usages apply to both Rust and Node.js; the code snippets are written in JavaScript.
To handle the `exports` field in `package.json`, ESM and CJS need to be differentiated.
### ESM
Per [ESM Resolution algorithm](https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html#resolution-and-loading-algorithm)
> defaultConditions is the conditional environment name array, ["node", "import"].
This means when the caller is an ESM import (`import "module"`), resolve options should be
"conditionNames": ["node", "import"]
### CJS
Per [CJS Resolution algorithm](https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#all-together)
> `package.json` "exports", ["node", "require"]) defined in the ESM resolver.
This means when the caller is a CJS require (`require("module")`), resolve options should be
"conditionNames": ["node", "require"]
### Cache
To support both CJS and ESM with the same cache:
const esmResolver = ResolverFactory({
conditionNames: ["node", "import"]
const cjsResolver = esmResolver.cloneWithOptions({
conditionNames: ["node", "require"]
### Browser Field
From this [non-standard spec](https://github.com/defunctzombie/package-browser-field-spec):
> The `browser` field is provided to JavaScript bundlers or component tools when packaging modules for client side use.
The option is
"aliasFields": ["browser"]
### Main Field
"mainFields": ["module", "main"]
Quoting esbuild's documentation:
* `main` - This is [the standard field](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json#main) for all packages that are meant to be used with node. The name main is hard-coded in to node's module resolution logic itself. Because it's intended for use with node, it's reasonable to expect that the file path in this field is a CommonJS-style module.
* `module` - This field came from a [proposal](https://github.com/dherman/defense-of-dot-js/blob/f31319be735b21739756b87d551f6711bd7aa283/proposal.md) for how to integrate ECMAScript modules into node. Because of this, it's reasonable to expect that the file path in this field is an ECMAScript-style module. This proposal wasn't adopted by node (node uses "type": "module" instead) but it was adopted by major bundlers because ECMAScript-style modules lead to better tree shaking, or dead code removal.
* `browser` - This field came from a [proposal](https://gist.github.com/defunctzombie/4339901/49493836fb873ddaa4b8a7aa0ef2352119f69211) that allows bundlers to replace node-specific files or modules with their browser-friendly versions. It lets you specify an alternate browser-specific entry point. Note that it is possible for a package to use both the browser and module field together (see the note below).
### Errors
* `Error: Package subpath '.' is not defined by "exports" in` - occurs when resolving without `conditionNames`.
## Options
The options are aligned with [enhanced-resolve].
| alias | [] | A list of module alias configurations or an object which maps key to value |
| aliasFields | [] | A list of alias fields in description files |
| extensionAlias | {} | An object which maps extension to extension aliases |
| conditionNames | [] | A list of exports field condition names |
| descriptionFiles | ["package.json"] | A list of description files to read from |
| enforceExtension | false | Enforce that a extension from extensions must be used |
| exportsFields | ["exports"] | A list of exports fields in description files |
| extensions | [".js", ".json", ".node"] | A list of extensions which should be tried for files |
| fallback | [] | Same as `alias`, but only used if default resolving fails |
| fileSystem | | The file system which should be used |
| fullySpecified | false | Request passed to resolve is already fully specified and extensions or main files are not resolved for it (they are still resolved for internal requests) |
| mainFields | ["main"] | A list of main fields in description files |
| mainFiles | ["index"] | A list of main files in directories |
| modules | ["node_modules"] | A list of directories to resolve modules from, can be absolute path or folder name |
| resolveToContext | false | Resolve to a context instead of a file |
| preferRelative | false | Prefer to resolve module requests as relative request and fallback to resolving as module |
| preferAbsolute | false | Prefer to resolve server-relative urls as absolute paths before falling back to resolve in roots |
| restrictions | [] | A list of resolve restrictions |
| roots | [] | A list of root paths |
| symlinks | true | Whether to resolve symlinks to their symlinked location |
### Unimplemented Options
| cachePredicate | function() { return true }; | A function which decides whether a request should be cached or not. An object is passed to the function with `path` and `request` properties. |
| cacheWithContext | true | If unsafe cache is enabled, includes `request.context` in the cache key |
| plugins | [] | A list of additional resolve plugins which should be applied |
| resolver | undefined | A prepared Resolver to which the plugins are attached |
| unsafeCache | false | Use this cache object to unsafely cache the successful requests