# rupring
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Spring Comes to Rust
## Get Started
required dependency list
rupring = "0.13.0"
serde = { version="1.0.193", features=["derive"] }
And you can write your server like this:
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
#[rupring::Module(controllers=[HomeController{}], modules=[])]
pub struct RootModule {}
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[rupring::Controller(prefix=/, routes=[hello, echo])]
pub struct HomeController {}
#[rupring::Get(path = /)]
pub fn hello(_request: rupring::Request) -> rupring::Response {
rupring::Response::new().text("Hello, World!".to_string())
#[rupring::Get(path = /echo)]
pub fn echo(request: rupring::Request) -> rupring::Response {
fn main() {
rupring::run(RootModule {})
And if you run the program, it will work fine.
## More Details
Please refer to [the documentation](https://docs.rs/rupring/latest/rupring) for more details.