rust-embed 8.6.0

Rust Custom Derive Macro which loads files into the rust binary at compile time during release and loads the file from the fs during dev
repository = "pyros2097/rust-embed"

repository = "pyros2097/rust-embed"

repository = "pyros2097/rust-embed"

status = "passively-maintained"

repository = "pyros2097/rust-embed"

optional = true
version = "4"

default-features = false
features = ["http1", "tokio"]
optional = true
version = "0.7"

optional = true
version = "0.4.3"

optional = true
version = "0.3"

optional = true
version = "2.0.5"

default-features = false
features = ["server"]
optional = true
version = "1.3.30"

default-features = false
optional = true
version = "0.5.0-rc.2"

version = "8.6.0"

version = "8.6.0"

default-features = false
optional = true
version = "0.16"

features = ["macros", "rt-multi-thread"]
optional = true
version = "1.0"

version = "2.3.2"

default-features = false
optional = true
version = "0.3"

version = "0.10"

name = "actix"
path = "examples/"
required-features = ["actix"]

name = "axum"
path = "examples/"
required-features = ["axum-ex"]

name = "axum-spa"
path = "examples/axum-spa/"
required-features = ["axum-ex"]

name = "basic"
path = "examples/"

name = "poem"
path = "examples/"
required-features = ["poem-ex"]

name = "rocket"
path = "examples/"
required-features = ["rocket"]

name = "salvo"
path = "examples/"
required-features = ["salvo-ex"]

name = "warp"
path = "examples/"
required-features = ["warp-ex"]

actix = ["actix-web", "mime_guess"]
axum-ex = ["axum", "tokio", "mime_guess"]
compression = ["rust-embed-impl/compression", "include-flate"]
debug-embed = ["rust-embed-impl/debug-embed", "rust-embed-utils/debug-embed"]
include-exclude = ["rust-embed-impl/include-exclude", "rust-embed-utils/include-exclude"]
interpolate-folder-path = ["rust-embed-impl/interpolate-folder-path"]
mime-guess = ["rust-embed-impl/mime-guess", "rust-embed-utils/mime-guess"]
poem-ex = ["poem", "tokio", "mime_guess", "hex"]
salvo-ex = ["salvo", "tokio", "mime_guess", "hex"]
warp-ex = ["warp", "tokio", "mime_guess"]

name = "rust_embed"
path = "src/"

authors = ["pyros2097 <>"]
autobenches = false
autobins = false
autoexamples = false
autolib = false
autotests = false
build = false
categories = ["web-programming", "filesystem"]
description = "Rust Custom Derive Macro which loads files into the rust binary at compile time during release and loads the file from the fs during dev"
documentation = ""
edition = "2018"
keywords = ["http", "rocket", "static", "web", "server"]
license = "MIT"
name = "rust-embed"
readme = ""
repository = ""
rust-version = "1.70.0"
version = "8.6.0"

name = "allow_missing"
path = "tests/"

name = "custom_crate_path"
path = "tests/"

name = "include_exclude"
path = "tests/"
required-features = ["include-exclude"]

name = "interpolated_path"
path = "tests/"
required-features = ["interpolate-folder-path"]

name = "lib"
path = "tests/"

name = "metadata"
path = "tests/"

name = "metadata_only"
path = "tests/"

name = "mime_guess"
path = "tests/"
required-features = ["mime-guess"]

name = "path_traversal_attack"
path = "tests/"

name = "prefix"
path = "tests/"