rustlings 6.4.0

Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code!
# Don't edit the `bin` list manually! It is updated by `cargo run -- dev update`. This comment line will be stripped in `rustlings init`.
bin = [
  { name = "intro1", path = "../exercises/00_intro/" },
  { name = "intro1_sol", path = "../solutions/00_intro/" },
  { name = "intro2", path = "../exercises/00_intro/" },
  { name = "intro2_sol", path = "../solutions/00_intro/" },
  { name = "variables1", path = "../exercises/01_variables/" },
  { name = "variables1_sol", path = "../solutions/01_variables/" },
  { name = "variables2", path = "../exercises/01_variables/" },
  { name = "variables2_sol", path = "../solutions/01_variables/" },
  { name = "variables3", path = "../exercises/01_variables/" },
  { name = "variables3_sol", path = "../solutions/01_variables/" },
  { name = "variables4", path = "../exercises/01_variables/" },
  { name = "variables4_sol", path = "../solutions/01_variables/" },
  { name = "variables5", path = "../exercises/01_variables/" },
  { name = "variables5_sol", path = "../solutions/01_variables/" },
  { name = "variables6", path = "../exercises/01_variables/" },
  { name = "variables6_sol", path = "../solutions/01_variables/" },
  { name = "functions1", path = "../exercises/02_functions/" },
  { name = "functions1_sol", path = "../solutions/02_functions/" },
  { name = "functions2", path = "../exercises/02_functions/" },
  { name = "functions2_sol", path = "../solutions/02_functions/" },
  { name = "functions3", path = "../exercises/02_functions/" },
  { name = "functions3_sol", path = "../solutions/02_functions/" },
  { name = "functions4", path = "../exercises/02_functions/" },
  { name = "functions4_sol", path = "../solutions/02_functions/" },
  { name = "functions5", path = "../exercises/02_functions/" },
  { name = "functions5_sol", path = "../solutions/02_functions/" },
  { name = "if1", path = "../exercises/03_if/" },
  { name = "if1_sol", path = "../solutions/03_if/" },
  { name = "if2", path = "../exercises/03_if/" },
  { name = "if2_sol", path = "../solutions/03_if/" },
  { name = "if3", path = "../exercises/03_if/" },
  { name = "if3_sol", path = "../solutions/03_if/" },
  { name = "quiz1", path = "../exercises/quizzes/" },
  { name = "quiz1_sol", path = "../solutions/quizzes/" },
  { name = "primitive_types1", path = "../exercises/04_primitive_types/" },
  { name = "primitive_types1_sol", path = "../solutions/04_primitive_types/" },
  { name = "primitive_types2", path = "../exercises/04_primitive_types/" },
  { name = "primitive_types2_sol", path = "../solutions/04_primitive_types/" },
  { name = "primitive_types3", path = "../exercises/04_primitive_types/" },
  { name = "primitive_types3_sol", path = "../solutions/04_primitive_types/" },
  { name = "primitive_types4", path = "../exercises/04_primitive_types/" },
  { name = "primitive_types4_sol", path = "../solutions/04_primitive_types/" },
  { name = "primitive_types5", path = "../exercises/04_primitive_types/" },
  { name = "primitive_types5_sol", path = "../solutions/04_primitive_types/" },
  { name = "primitive_types6", path = "../exercises/04_primitive_types/" },
  { name = "primitive_types6_sol", path = "../solutions/04_primitive_types/" },
  { name = "vecs1", path = "../exercises/05_vecs/" },
  { name = "vecs1_sol", path = "../solutions/05_vecs/" },
  { name = "vecs2", path = "../exercises/05_vecs/" },
  { name = "vecs2_sol", path = "../solutions/05_vecs/" },
  { name = "move_semantics1", path = "../exercises/06_move_semantics/" },
  { name = "move_semantics1_sol", path = "../solutions/06_move_semantics/" },
  { name = "move_semantics2", path = "../exercises/06_move_semantics/" },
  { name = "move_semantics2_sol", path = "../solutions/06_move_semantics/" },
  { name = "move_semantics3", path = "../exercises/06_move_semantics/" },
  { name = "move_semantics3_sol", path = "../solutions/06_move_semantics/" },
  { name = "move_semantics4", path = "../exercises/06_move_semantics/" },
  { name = "move_semantics4_sol", path = "../solutions/06_move_semantics/" },
  { name = "move_semantics5", path = "../exercises/06_move_semantics/" },
  { name = "move_semantics5_sol", path = "../solutions/06_move_semantics/" },
  { name = "structs1", path = "../exercises/07_structs/" },
  { name = "structs1_sol", path = "../solutions/07_structs/" },
  { name = "structs2", path = "../exercises/07_structs/" },
  { name = "structs2_sol", path = "../solutions/07_structs/" },
  { name = "structs3", path = "../exercises/07_structs/" },
  { name = "structs3_sol", path = "../solutions/07_structs/" },
  { name = "enums1", path = "../exercises/08_enums/" },
  { name = "enums1_sol", path = "../solutions/08_enums/" },
  { name = "enums2", path = "../exercises/08_enums/" },
  { name = "enums2_sol", path = "../solutions/08_enums/" },
  { name = "enums3", path = "../exercises/08_enums/" },
  { name = "enums3_sol", path = "../solutions/08_enums/" },
  { name = "strings1", path = "../exercises/09_strings/" },
  { name = "strings1_sol", path = "../solutions/09_strings/" },
  { name = "strings2", path = "../exercises/09_strings/" },
  { name = "strings2_sol", path = "../solutions/09_strings/" },
  { name = "strings3", path = "../exercises/09_strings/" },
  { name = "strings3_sol", path = "../solutions/09_strings/" },
  { name = "strings4", path = "../exercises/09_strings/" },
  { name = "strings4_sol", path = "../solutions/09_strings/" },
  { name = "modules1", path = "../exercises/10_modules/" },
  { name = "modules1_sol", path = "../solutions/10_modules/" },
  { name = "modules2", path = "../exercises/10_modules/" },
  { name = "modules2_sol", path = "../solutions/10_modules/" },
  { name = "modules3", path = "../exercises/10_modules/" },
  { name = "modules3_sol", path = "../solutions/10_modules/" },
  { name = "hashmaps1", path = "../exercises/11_hashmaps/" },
  { name = "hashmaps1_sol", path = "../solutions/11_hashmaps/" },
  { name = "hashmaps2", path = "../exercises/11_hashmaps/" },
  { name = "hashmaps2_sol", path = "../solutions/11_hashmaps/" },
  { name = "hashmaps3", path = "../exercises/11_hashmaps/" },
  { name = "hashmaps3_sol", path = "../solutions/11_hashmaps/" },
  { name = "quiz2", path = "../exercises/quizzes/" },
  { name = "quiz2_sol", path = "../solutions/quizzes/" },
  { name = "options1", path = "../exercises/12_options/" },
  { name = "options1_sol", path = "../solutions/12_options/" },
  { name = "options2", path = "../exercises/12_options/" },
  { name = "options2_sol", path = "../solutions/12_options/" },
  { name = "options3", path = "../exercises/12_options/" },
  { name = "options3_sol", path = "../solutions/12_options/" },
  { name = "errors1", path = "../exercises/13_error_handling/" },
  { name = "errors1_sol", path = "../solutions/13_error_handling/" },
  { name = "errors2", path = "../exercises/13_error_handling/" },
  { name = "errors2_sol", path = "../solutions/13_error_handling/" },
  { name = "errors3", path = "../exercises/13_error_handling/" },
  { name = "errors3_sol", path = "../solutions/13_error_handling/" },
  { name = "errors4", path = "../exercises/13_error_handling/" },
  { name = "errors4_sol", path = "../solutions/13_error_handling/" },
  { name = "errors5", path = "../exercises/13_error_handling/" },
  { name = "errors5_sol", path = "../solutions/13_error_handling/" },
  { name = "errors6", path = "../exercises/13_error_handling/" },
  { name = "errors6_sol", path = "../solutions/13_error_handling/" },
  { name = "generics1", path = "../exercises/14_generics/" },
  { name = "generics1_sol", path = "../solutions/14_generics/" },
  { name = "generics2", path = "../exercises/14_generics/" },
  { name = "generics2_sol", path = "../solutions/14_generics/" },
  { name = "traits1", path = "../exercises/15_traits/" },
  { name = "traits1_sol", path = "../solutions/15_traits/" },
  { name = "traits2", path = "../exercises/15_traits/" },
  { name = "traits2_sol", path = "../solutions/15_traits/" },
  { name = "traits3", path = "../exercises/15_traits/" },
  { name = "traits3_sol", path = "../solutions/15_traits/" },
  { name = "traits4", path = "../exercises/15_traits/" },
  { name = "traits4_sol", path = "../solutions/15_traits/" },
  { name = "traits5", path = "../exercises/15_traits/" },
  { name = "traits5_sol", path = "../solutions/15_traits/" },
  { name = "quiz3", path = "../exercises/quizzes/" },
  { name = "quiz3_sol", path = "../solutions/quizzes/" },
  { name = "lifetimes1", path = "../exercises/16_lifetimes/" },
  { name = "lifetimes1_sol", path = "../solutions/16_lifetimes/" },
  { name = "lifetimes2", path = "../exercises/16_lifetimes/" },
  { name = "lifetimes2_sol", path = "../solutions/16_lifetimes/" },
  { name = "lifetimes3", path = "../exercises/16_lifetimes/" },
  { name = "lifetimes3_sol", path = "../solutions/16_lifetimes/" },
  { name = "tests1", path = "../exercises/17_tests/" },
  { name = "tests1_sol", path = "../solutions/17_tests/" },
  { name = "tests2", path = "../exercises/17_tests/" },
  { name = "tests2_sol", path = "../solutions/17_tests/" },
  { name = "tests3", path = "../exercises/17_tests/" },
  { name = "tests3_sol", path = "../solutions/17_tests/" },
  { name = "iterators1", path = "../exercises/18_iterators/" },
  { name = "iterators1_sol", path = "../solutions/18_iterators/" },
  { name = "iterators2", path = "../exercises/18_iterators/" },
  { name = "iterators2_sol", path = "../solutions/18_iterators/" },
  { name = "iterators3", path = "../exercises/18_iterators/" },
  { name = "iterators3_sol", path = "../solutions/18_iterators/" },
  { name = "iterators4", path = "../exercises/18_iterators/" },
  { name = "iterators4_sol", path = "../solutions/18_iterators/" },
  { name = "iterators5", path = "../exercises/18_iterators/" },
  { name = "iterators5_sol", path = "../solutions/18_iterators/" },
  { name = "box1", path = "../exercises/19_smart_pointers/" },
  { name = "box1_sol", path = "../solutions/19_smart_pointers/" },
  { name = "rc1", path = "../exercises/19_smart_pointers/" },
  { name = "rc1_sol", path = "../solutions/19_smart_pointers/" },
  { name = "arc1", path = "../exercises/19_smart_pointers/" },
  { name = "arc1_sol", path = "../solutions/19_smart_pointers/" },
  { name = "cow1", path = "../exercises/19_smart_pointers/" },
  { name = "cow1_sol", path = "../solutions/19_smart_pointers/" },
  { name = "threads1", path = "../exercises/20_threads/" },
  { name = "threads1_sol", path = "../solutions/20_threads/" },
  { name = "threads2", path = "../exercises/20_threads/" },
  { name = "threads2_sol", path = "../solutions/20_threads/" },
  { name = "threads3", path = "../exercises/20_threads/" },
  { name = "threads3_sol", path = "../solutions/20_threads/" },
  { name = "macros1", path = "../exercises/21_macros/" },
  { name = "macros1_sol", path = "../solutions/21_macros/" },
  { name = "macros2", path = "../exercises/21_macros/" },
  { name = "macros2_sol", path = "../solutions/21_macros/" },
  { name = "macros3", path = "../exercises/21_macros/" },
  { name = "macros3_sol", path = "../solutions/21_macros/" },
  { name = "macros4", path = "../exercises/21_macros/" },
  { name = "macros4_sol", path = "../solutions/21_macros/" },
  { name = "clippy1", path = "../exercises/22_clippy/" },
  { name = "clippy1_sol", path = "../solutions/22_clippy/" },
  { name = "clippy2", path = "../exercises/22_clippy/" },
  { name = "clippy2_sol", path = "../solutions/22_clippy/" },
  { name = "clippy3", path = "../exercises/22_clippy/" },
  { name = "clippy3_sol", path = "../solutions/22_clippy/" },
  { name = "using_as", path = "../exercises/23_conversions/" },
  { name = "using_as_sol", path = "../solutions/23_conversions/" },
  { name = "from_into", path = "../exercises/23_conversions/" },
  { name = "from_into_sol", path = "../solutions/23_conversions/" },
  { name = "from_str", path = "../exercises/23_conversions/" },
  { name = "from_str_sol", path = "../solutions/23_conversions/" },
  { name = "try_from_into", path = "../exercises/23_conversions/" },
  { name = "try_from_into_sol", path = "../solutions/23_conversions/" },
  { name = "as_ref_mut", path = "../exercises/23_conversions/" },
  { name = "as_ref_mut_sol", path = "../solutions/23_conversions/" },

name = "exercises"
edition = "2021"
# Don't publish the exercises on!
publish = false

panic = "abort"

panic = "abort"

# You shouldn't write unsafe code in Rustlings!
unsafe_code = "forbid"
# You don't need unstable features in Rustlings and shouldn't rely on them while learning Rust.
unstable_features = "forbid"
# Dead code warnings can't be avoided in some exercises and might distract while learning.
dead_code = "allow"

# You forgot a `todo!()`!
todo = "forbid"
# This can only happen by mistake in Rustlings.
empty_loop = "forbid"
# No infinite loops are needed in Rustlings.
infinite_loop = "deny"
# You shouldn't leak memory while still learning Rust!
mem_forget = "deny"
# Currently, there are no disallowed methods. This line avoids problems when developing Rustlings.
disallowed_methods = "allow"