rusty_v8 0.22.3

Rust bindings to V8
# Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.

static_library("rusty_v8") {
  complete_static_lib = true
  sources = [ "src/" ]
  deps = [
  configs -= [
  configs += [ ":rusty_v8_config" ]

config("rusty_v8_config") {
  configs = [
  cflags = []

  # We need these directories in the search path to be able to include some
  # internal V8 headers.
  include_dirs = [

  if (is_debug) {
    defines = [ "DEBUG" ]

  if (is_clang) {
    cflags += [

  if (is_debug && is_clang && !is_win) {
    cflags += [ "-glldb" ]