rustyline 14.0.0

Rustyline, a readline implementation based on Antirez's Linenoise
## Related topics

- [Multiple commands for a keybinding] and
  [Conditional Bind Sequences] : original issues
- [Conditional Bind Sequences] : incomplete proposal
- [Add `Cmd::Yield` for complex custom bindings] : another proposal
- [Initial invoke trait and auto-indent example] : a validator is like a custom action triggered indirectly.

And other issues that should be solved if our design is good:

- [Extend Meta-F,Alt+Right feature for hint partial completion]
- [Use Arrow-Up to search history with prefix]
- [Execute Arbitrary Command Via Keybinding]
- [Use Ctrl-E for hint completion]
- [Add History Search Behaviour]
- ...

## Conditions / Filters


Some keys/commands may behave differently depending on:

- edit mode (emacs vs vi)
- vi input mode (insert vs replace vs command modes)
- empty line
- cursor position
- repeat count
- original key pressed (when same command is bound to different key)
- hint
- ...

## More input

Some keys/commands may ask for more input.
I am not sure if this point should be tackled here.

## Multiple / complex actions

For one key/command, we may want to perform multiple actions.
We should ask the undo manager to start a "transaction" before first action and commit it after the last action.
Should we do something specific with the kill ring ?
We should refresh / repaint only when all actions are performed (or if ask explicitly?) depending on cumulated action impacts.

## Misc

/// Command / action result
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Copy)]
pub enum ActionResult {
    // Interrupt / reject user input
    // => Err should be fine
    /// Accept user input (except if `Validator` disagrees)

bitflags::bitflags! {
    #[doc = "Action invocation impacts"]
    pub struct Impacts: u8 {
        const PUSH_CHAR = 0b0000_0001;
        const BEEP = 0b0000_0010;
        const MOVE_CURSOR = 0b0000_0100; // State::move_cursor
        const REFRESH = 0b0000_1000; // State::refresh_line
        const CLEAR_SREEN = 0b0001_0000; // State::clear_screen