Transactional, on-disk datastructures with concurrent readers and
writers (writers exclude each other).
This crate is based on the no-std crate `sanakirja-core`, whose
goal is to implement different datastructures.
Here's an example of how to use it (starting with 64 pages, 2
versions, see below for details about what that means). The file
grows automatically, as needed.
use sanakirja::*;
let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let path = dir.path().join("db");
let env = Env::new(&path, 1 << 20, 2).unwrap();
let mut txn = Env::mut_txn_begin(&env).unwrap();
let mut db = btree::create_db::<_, u64, u64>(&mut txn).unwrap();
for i in 0..100_000u64 {
btree::put(&mut txn, &mut db, &i, &(i*i)).unwrap();
let root_db = 0;
txn.set_root(root_db, db.db);
let txn = Env::txn_begin(&env).unwrap();
let db: btree::Db = txn.root_db(root_db).unwrap();
assert_eq!(btree::get(&txn, &db, &50_000, None).unwrap(), Some((&50_000, &(50_000 * 50_000))));
for entry in btree::iter(&txn, &db, None).unwrap() {
let (k, v) = entry.unwrap();
assert_eq!(*k * *k, *v)
The binary format of a Sanakirja database is the following:
- There is a fixed number of "current versions", set at file
initialisation. If a file has n versions, then for all k between 0
and n-1 (included), the k^th page (i.e. the byte positions between
`k * 4096` and `(k+1) * 4096`, also written as `k << 12` and
`(k+1) << 12`) stores the data relative to that version, and is
called the "root page" of that version.
This is a way to handle concurrent access: indeed, mutable
transactions do not exclude readers, but readers that started
before the commit of a mutable transaction will keep reading the
database as it was before the commit. However, this means that
older versions of the database have to be kept "alive", and the
"number of current versions" here is the limit on the number of
versions that can be kept "alive" at the same time.
When a reader starts, it takes a shared file lock on the file
representing the youngest committed version. When a writer starts,
it takes an exclusive file lock on the file representing the
oldest committed version. This implies that if readers are still
reading that version, the writer will wait for the exclusive lock.
After taking a lock, the writer (also called "mutable
transaction" or [`MutTxn`]) copies the entire root page of the
youngest committed version onto the root page of the oldest
committed version, hence erasing the root page of the oldest
- Root pages have the following format: a 32-bytes header
(described below), followed by 4064 bytes, usable in a more or
less free format. The current implementation defines two methods
on [`MutTxn`], [`MutTxn::set_root`] and [`MutTxn::remove_root`],
treating that space as an array of type `[u64; 510]`. A reasonable
use for these is to point to different datastructures allocated in
the file, such as the offsets in the file to the root pages of B
Now, about the header, there's a version identifier on the first
16 bytes, followed by two bytes: `root` is the version used by the
current mutable transaction (if there is current mutable
transaction), or by the next mutable transaction (else). The
`n_roots` field is the total number of versions.
pub struct GlobalHeader {
/// Version of Sanakirja
pub version: u16,
/// Which page is currently the root page? (only valid for page 0).
pub root: u8,
/// Total number of versions (or "root pages")
pub n_roots: u8,
/// CRC of this page.
pub crc: u32,
/// First free page at the end of the file (only valid for page 0).
pub length: u64,
/// Offset of the free list.
pub free_db: u64,
/// Offset of the RC database.
pub rc_db: u64,