sc-utils 6.0.0

I/O for Substrate runtimes
Utilities Primitives for Substrate

## Features

### metered

This feature changes the behaviour of the function `mpsc::tracing_unbounded`.
With the disabled feature this function is an alias to `futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded`.
However, when the feature is enabled it creates wrapper types to `UnboundedSender<T>`
and `UnboundedReceiver<T>` to register every `send`/`received`/`dropped` action happened on
the channel.

Also this feature creates and registers a prometheus vector with name `unbounded_channel_len` and labels:

| Label        | Description                                   |
| ------------ | --------------------------------------------- |
| entity       | Name of channel passed to `tracing_unbounded` |
| action       | One of `send`/`received`/`dropped`            |

License: Apache-2.0