# Usage
## Syntax
### Overview
The syntax consists of *symbolic expressions*, which may be any of:
- Symbols (e.g. `p`, `h1` or `hello`).
- Numbers (e.g. `26`, `2em` or `-4px`).
- Strings (e.g. `"hello world"` or `"""Probably a long string"""`).
- Attributes (e.g `:key value`, `:count 6` or `:href "https://crates.io/"`).
- Lists (e.g. `(h1 Big Title!)` or `(p Hello (span :class highlight World))`).
The most important part of this syntax is *lists*, every level of nesting or
every tag is started with a `(` and ended with a `)`
### Example
For example,
(h1 :id heading Pound Cake)
(ul (li 1 pound of sugar)
(li 1 pound of butter)
(li 1 pound of (i self-raising) flor)
(li 3 eggs, beaten)
(li 1 teaspoon (a :href "https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanilla_extract" vanilla))
(li 1 teaspoon baking powder))
would translate to HTML as
<h1 id="heading">Pound Cake</h1>
<li>1 pound of sugar</li>
<li>1 pound of butter</li>
<li>1 pound of <i>self-raising</i> flour</li>
<li>3 eggs, beaten</li>
<li>1 teaspoon <a href="https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanilla_extractr">vanilla</a></li>
<li>1 teaspoin baking powder</li>
## Macros
In addition to the basic syntax, *symbols* prepended with a ‘`%`’ character,
will be treated as macros.
### Built-in Macros
- `%define` allows for user defined macros, e.g. `(%define name "Samuel")`,
‘function’-like macros may also be defined to allow arguments, say
`(%define (greet name) (p Hello there, %name))`.
- `%ifdef` checks if a symbol is defined, e.g. `(ifdef username (span Hello %username))`,
or with an else-clause: `(ifdef title (title My Blog - %title) (title My Blog))`.
- `%include` will include an entire file's contents into another, e.g.
`(%include "components/footer.sex")`.
- `%date` standard `strftime` function, works of current system time, e.g.
`(span :id timestamp Uploaded on (%date "%Y-%m-%d"))`.
- `%log` will simply log any information to STDERR, e.g. `(%log Hello, World!)`.
### Example
*File `head.sex`:*
(meta :name viewport :content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0")
(%ifdef title
(title %title" -- My Website")
(title "My Website"))
(style (%include "styles/main.sex"))
*File `styles/main.sex`:*
(body :font-size 16px
:margin (0 auto)
:background #fff)
:color red)
*File `index.sex`:*
(!doctype html)
(html :lang en
(head (%define title "Index page")
(%include "head.sex"))
(div :id container
(%include "components/navbar.sex")
(h1 Hello, World!)
(p :class important Enjoy your stay!))))
*File `components/navbar.sex`:*
(ul (li (a :href "/" Home))
(li (a :href "/about" About Me))
(li (a :href "/donate" Donate!))))
This way you can easily construct websites with reusable components,
cut down on copy-pasting, and generate it statically. Ideal for a blog,
especially using the `(%markdown ...)` macro.