# Seer: Symbolic Execution Engine for Rust
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Seer is a fork of [miri](https://github.com/solson/miri)
that adds support for symbolic execution, using
[z3](https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3) as a solver backend.
Given a program, Seer attempts to exhaustively
enumerate the possible execution paths through that program.
Seer represents program input in a _symbolic_ form
and maintains a set of constraints on it.
When Seer reaches a branching point in the program, it
invokes its solver backend to compute which branches
are feasible given the current constraints. The feasible
branches are then enqueued for exploration, augmented with the
new constraints learned from the branching condition.
Seer considers any bytes read in through `::std::io::stdin()`
as symbolic input. This means that once
Seer finds an interesting input for your program,
you can easily compile your program with
plain rustc and run it on that input.
## example: decode base64 given only an encoder
[[source code](/example/standalone/base64.rs)]
Suppose we are given a base64 encoder function:
fn base64_encode(input: &[u8]) -> String { ... }
and suppose that we would like to _decode_ a base64-encoded string,
but we don't want to bother to actually write the corresponding
`base64_decode()` function. We can write the following program and
ask Seer to execute it:
fn main() {
let value_to_decode = "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh";
let mut data: Vec<u8> = vec![0; (value_to_decode.len() + 3) / 4 * 3];
std::io::stdin().read_exact(&mut data[..]).unwrap();
let result = base64_encode(&data[..]);
if result.starts_with(value_to_decode) {
panic!("we found it!");
Seer will then attempt to find input values that can trigger the panic.
It succeeds after a few seconds:
$ cargo run --bin seer -- example/standalone/base64.rs
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs
Running `target/debug/seer example/standalone/base64.rs`
ExecutionComplete { input: [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33], result: Err(Panic) }
as string: Ok("hello world!")
hit an error. halting
There is our answer! Our string decodes as "hello world!"
# limitations
Seer is currently in the proof-of-concept stage
and therefore has lots of `unimplemented!()` holes in it.
In particular, it does not yet handle:
- allocations with size depending on symbolic input
- pointer-to-pointer with symbolic offset
- overflow checking on symbolic arithmetic
- ... lots of other things that you will quickly discover if you try to use it!
# long-term vision
The goal is that Seer will help in two primary use cases:
- in exploratory tests, as a complementary approach to [fuzzing](https://github.com/rust-fuzz)
- in program verification, to exhaustively check that error states cannot be reached