[`shadow-rs`][docsrs]: Build-time information stored in your Rust project (binary, lib, cdylib, dylib,wasm).
<p align="center">
alt="shadow-rs build tool"
[docsrs]: https://docs.rs/shadow-rs
`shadow-rs` allows you to access properties of the build process and environment at runtime, including:
* `Cargo.toml` information, such as the project version
* Dependency information
* Git information, such as the commit that produced the build artifact
* What version of the Rust toolchain was used in compilation
* The build variant, e.g. `debug` or `release`
* ... And more!
Strongly recommend using **shadow-rs** on the [LSP](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/) service developed in Rust.
You can use this crate to programmatically check where a binary came from and how it was built.
Currently, integration into **wasm**,**no_std** is also supported. For detailed settings, please refer to the
* [example_wasm](https://github.com/baoyachi/shadow-rs/tree/master/example_wasm)
* [example_no_std](https://github.com/baoyachi/shadow-rs/tree/master/example_no_std)

# BuildPattern
The BuildPattern enum defines strategies for triggering package rebuilding. **Default mode is `Lazy`**.
* `Lazy`: The lazy mode. In this mode, if the current Rust environment is set to `debug`,
the rebuild package will not run every time the build script is triggered.
If the environment is set to `release`, it behaves the same as the `RealTime` mode.
* `RealTime`: The real-time mode. It will always trigger rebuilding a package upon any change,
regardless of whether the Rust environment is set to `debug` or `release`.
* `Custom`: The custom build mode, an enhanced version of `RealTime` mode, allowing for user-defined conditions
to trigger rebuilding a package.
# Examples
* Check out the [example_shadow](https://github.com/baoyachi/shadow-rs/tree/master/example_shadow) for a simple
demonstration of how `shadow-rs` might be used to provide build-time information at run-time.
* Check out the [example_shadow_hook](https://github.com/baoyachi/shadow-rs/tree/master/example_shadow_hook) for a
demonstration of how custom hooks can be used to add extra information to `shadow-rs`'s output.
* Check out the [`builtin_fn` example](https://github.com/baoyachi/shadow-rs/tree/master/examples/builtin_fn.rs) for a
simple demonstration of the built-in functions that `shadow-rs` provides.
# Setup
### 1) Modify `Cargo.toml` fields
Modify your `Cargo.toml` like so:
build = "build.rs"
shadow-rs = { version = "{latest version}", default-features = false }
shadow-rs = "{latest version}"
> About `build = "build.rs"`,this is an optional addition where, by default, build points to the build.rs file. It is
> recommended to use it as such. However, if your build script file is not named build.rs, please manually specify it.
> For
> example: `build = "gen.rs"`.
### 2) Create `build.rs` file
Now in the root of your project (same directory as `Cargo.toml`) add a file `build.rs`:
fn main() {
If you want to exclude some build constants, you can use [`new_deny`] instead of [`new`].
### 3) Integrate Shadow
In your main Rust file (usually `main.rs` or `lib.rs`), add this:
use shadow_rs::shadow;
The `shadow!` macro uses the given identifier to create a module with that name.
### 4) Use Shadow Constants
You can now use the module defined with `shadow!` to access build-time information.
fn main() {
println!("debug:{}", shadow_rs::is_debug()); // check if this is a debug build. e.g 'true/false'
println!("branch:{}", shadow_rs::branch()); // get current project branch. e.g 'master/develop'
println!("tag:{}", shadow_rs::tag()); // get current project tag. e.g 'v1.3.5'
println!("git_clean:{}", shadow_rs::git_clean()); // get current project clean. e.g 'true/false'
println!("git_status_file:{}", shadow_rs::git_status_file()); // get current project statue file. e.g ' * examples/builtin_fn.rs (dirty)'
println!("{}", build::VERSION); //print version const
println!("{}", build::CLAP_LONG_VERSION); //print CLAP_LONG_VERSION const
println!("{}", build::BRANCH); //master
println!("{}", build::SHORT_COMMIT); //8405e28e
println!("{}", build::COMMIT_HASH); //8405e28e64080a09525a6cf1b07c22fcaf71a5c5
println!("{}", build::COMMIT_DATE); //2021-08-04 12:34:03 +00:00
println!("{}", build::COMMIT_AUTHOR); //baoyachi
println!("{}", build::COMMIT_EMAIL); //xxx@gmail.com
println!("{}", build::BUILD_OS); //macos-x86_64
println!("{}", build::RUST_VERSION); //rustc 1.45.0 (5c1f21c3b 2020-07-13)
println!("{}", build::RUST_CHANNEL); //stable-x86_64-apple-darwin (default)
println!("{}", build::CARGO_VERSION); //cargo 1.45.0 (744bd1fbb 2020-06-15)
println!("{}", build::PKG_VERSION); //0.3.13
println!("{}", build::CARGO_TREE); //like command:cargo tree
println!("{}", build::CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR); // /User/baoyachi/shadow-rs/ |
println!("{}", build::PROJECT_NAME); //shadow-rs
println!("{}", build::BUILD_TIME); //2020-08-16 14:50:25
println!("{}", build::BUILD_RUST_CHANNEL); //debug
println!("{}", build::GIT_CLEAN); //false
println!("{}", build::GIT_STATUS_FILE); //* src/lib.rs (dirty)
## Setup for `no_std`
Add this to your Cargo.toml
shadow-rs = { version = "{latest version}", default-features = false }
shadow-rs = { version = "{latest version}", features = ["no_std"] }
#### Reproducibility
This tool includes the current time in the binary which would normally make it non-reproducible.
However, it respects the [`SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH` variable](https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/source-date-epoch/) - if
set to a Unix timestamp it will override the value of build time.
## Clap
You can also use `shadow-rs` to provide information to command-line interface crates such
as [`clap`](https://docs.rs/clap/latest/clap/). An example of this can be found
in [`example_shadow`](https://github.com/baoyachi/shadow-rs/blob/master/example_shadow/src/main.rs).
## List of Constants and Functions
#### Functions
| `is_debug()` | `true` if this is a build with debug assertions. |
| `branch()` | Git branch at build time. |
| `tag()` | Current Git tag at build time. |
| `git_clean()` | Whether Git working tree was clean at build time. |
| `git_status_file()` | `git status`-like output, e.g. ` * examples/builtin_fn.rs (dirty)` |
#### Constants
| VERSION | 3.4.5 |
| CLAP_LONG_VERSION | (A multi-line string containing branch, commit hash, build time, Rust version and toolchain channel) |
| BRANCH | master |
| TAG | v1.0.0 |
| SHORT_COMMIT | 8405e28e |
| COMMIT_HASH | 8405e28e64080a09525a6cf1b07c22fcaf71a5c5 |
| COMMIT_DATE | 2021-08-04 12:34:03 +00:00 |
| COMMIT_DATE_2822 | Thu, 24 Jun 2021 21:33:59 +0800 |
| COMMIT_DATE_3339 | 2021-06-24T21:33:59.972494+08:00 |
| COMMIT_AUTHOR | baoyachi |
| COMMIT_EMAIL | xxx@gmail.com |
| BUILD_OS | macos-x86_64 |
| BUILD_TARGET | x86_64-apple-darwin |
| BUILD_TARGET_ARCH | x86_64 |
| RUST_VERSION | rustc 1.45.0 (5c1f21c3b 2020-07-13) |
| RUST_CHANNEL | stable-x86_64-apple-darwin (default) |
| CARGO_VERSION | cargo 1.45.0 (744bd1fbb 2020-06-15) |
| PKG_VERSION | 0.3.13 |
| CARGO_TREE | (Output of `cargo tree`) |
| CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR | /User/baoyachi/shadow-rs/ |
| PROJECT_NAME | shadow-rs |
| BUILD_TIME | 2021-06-24 21:33:59 |
| BUILD_TIME_2822 | Thu, 24 Jun 2021 21:33:59 +0800 |
| BUILD_TIME_3339 | 2021-06-24T15:53:55+08:00 |
| BUILD_RUST_CHANNEL | release |
| GIT_CLEAN | true |
| GIT_STATUS_FILE | * src/lib.rs (dirty) |
If you have any questions, please create an [issue](https://github.com/baoyachi/shadow-rs/issues/new) so we may improve
the documentation where it may be unclear.
## People using shadow-rs
If you are using `shadow-rs`, please tell me! Or instead, consider making a note
here: [Shadow Users Collection](https://github.com/baoyachi/shadow-rs/issues/19).