1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
//! Simple Mermaid diagrams RustDoc integration
//! This crate provides a simple declarative macro to include [mermaid] diagrams in your rustdoc documentation.
//! Lookup the great [mermaid documentation] for details on the diagram syntax.
//! # Usage
//! 1. Create your [mermaid] diagrams in their own files (usually with `.mmd` or `.mermaid` extension).
//! 2. Call the [mermaid!] macro in a `#[doc]` attribute. Specify the route to the diagram file as a
//! string literal. Note that the path is interpreted relative to the file where the macro is called,
//! as it happens with the underlying [include_str].
//! 3. Done!
//! Diagrams can be intermixed freely with regular documentation comments.
//! ```rust
//! # use simple_mermaid::mermaid;
//! /// A sequence diagram
//! #[doc = mermaid!("sequence.mmd")]
//! ///
//! /// Then a flowchart
//! #[doc = mermaid!("flowchart.mmd")]
//! ///
//! /// And some more regular text to end this block
//! # fn function() {}
//! ```
//! Outputs:
//! <pre>
//! A sequence diagram
#![doc = mermaid!("sequence.mmd")]
//! Then a flowchart
#![doc = mermaid!("flowchart.mmd")]
//! And some more regular text to end this block
//! </pre>
//! # Options
//! By default, diagrams will be centered and have a transparent background. This behaviour can be
//! controlled with the following keywords after the path to the [mermaid] file:
//! * **left**, left align the diagram.
//! * **right**, right align the diagram.
//! * **center**, has not effect, but it\"s accepted for completeness.
//! * **framed**, add a gray frame to the diagram.
//! * **transparent**, do not add the gray frame to the diagram.
//! *Left*, *center* and *right* are, of course, mutually exclusive; but either can be combined with *framed*.
//! ```rust
//! # use simple_mermaid::mermaid;
//! #[doc = mermaid!("er.mmd" left)]
//! #[doc = mermaid!("graph.mmd" framed)]
//! #[doc = mermaid!("timeline.mmd" right)]
//! #[doc = mermaid!("larger.mmd" center framed)]
//! # fn function() {}
//! ```
#![doc = mermaid!("er.mmd" left)]
#![doc = mermaid!("graph.mmd" framed)]
#![doc = mermaid!("timeline.mmd" right)]
#![doc = mermaid!("larger.mmd" center)]
//! # Alternatives
//! ## aquamarine
//! The [aquamarine] introduces a procedural macro that converts regular code blocks marked with the
//! [mermaid] language tag. It also allows including the diagram from external files, but that comes with some limitations:
//! * Only one external diagram can be added to a single doc block.
//! * The external diagram will always appear at the end of the doc block.
//! Those limitations made [aquamarine] a non-option for me, since I strongly prefer leaving the diagrams in external files for several reasons:
//! clutter, maintainability, IDE support, and, re-usability of the diagrams.
//! Besides, the declarative macro used in this crate should be easier on compile times. And it comes with no dependencies at all!
//! ## rsdoc
//! The [rsdoc] crate provides procedural macros to embed [PlantUML] and images in doc coments.
//! It can be used with code-blocks (similar to aquamarine) or with external files (similar to this crate).
//! So, in this case, for me it was just a matter of personal taste, both [PlantUML] and [mermaid] are fantastic
//! opensource projects. But PlantUML is Java... and my plants always die (_even a cactus I once had! How can a cactus die? The thing should not need water!_).
//! # Disclaimer
//! Neither this crate nor it's autor have any relation or affiliation with the [mermaid] project, other that being an user of this magnific library.
//! All the examples in this documentation have been extracted, verbatim or with minor updates, from the [mermaid documentation].
//! [mermaid]:
//! [include_str]:
//! [mermaid documentation]:
//! [aquamarine]:
//! [rsdoc]:
//! [PlantUML]:
/// Include a mermaid diagram in the documentation.
/// This macro is meant to be used as argument of the `#[doc]` attribute.
/// ```rust
/// # use simple_mermaid::mermaid;
/// /// Some documentation about a function
/// /// Then include a diagram:
/// #[doc = mermaid!("netflix.mmd")]
/// fn a_function() {}
/// ```
/// This would produce:
/// > Some documentation
/// >
/// > Then include a diagram:
#[doc = mermaid!("netflix.mmd" framed)]
/// Look at the crate level documentation for all the options.
macro_rules! mermaid {
($file:literal) => { $crate::_mermaid_inner!($file center transparent) };
($file:literal left framed) => { $crate::_mermaid_inner!($file left framed) };
($file:literal framed left) => { $crate::_mermaid_inner!($file left framed) };
($file:literal center framed) => { $crate::_mermaid_inner!($file center framed) };
($file:literal framed center) => { $crate::_mermaid_inner!($file center framed) };
($file:literal right framed) => { $crate::_mermaid_inner!($file right framed) };
($file:literal framed right) => { $crate::_mermaid_inner!($file right framed) };
($file:literal framed) => { $crate::_mermaid_inner!($file center framed) };
($file:literal left) => { $crate::_mermaid_inner!($file left transparent) };
($file:literal right) => { $crate::_mermaid_inner!($file right transparent) };
($file:literal center) => { $crate::_mermaid_inner!($file center transparent) };
macro_rules! _mermaid_inner {
($file:literal $pos:ident $style:ident) =>
concat!("<pre class=\"mermaid\" style=\"text-align:", stringify!($pos), ";", $crate::_mermaid_background!($style), "\">\n",
include_str!($file), "\n",
"<script type=\"module\">",
"import mermaid from \"\";",
"var doc_theme = localStorage.getItem(\"rustdoc-theme\");",
"if (doc_theme === \"dark\" || doc_theme === \"ayu\") mermaid.initialize({theme: \"dark\"});",
macro_rules! _mermaid_background {
(framed) => { "" };
(transparent) => { "background: transparent;" };