Deserializer in little endian format.
This trait can be derived if all fields of a struct implement
CanonicalDeserialize and the derive feature is enabled.
Serializer in little endian format.
This trait can be derived if all fields of a struct implement
CanonicalSerialize and the derive feature is enabled.
Represents metadata to be appended to an object’s serialization. For
example, when serializing elliptic curve points, one can
use a Flag to represent whether the serialization is the point
at infinity, or whether the y coordinate is positive or not.
These bits will be appended to the end of the point’s serialization,
or included in a new byte, depending on space available.
Deserialize a Vector’s elements without deserializing the Vector’s length
If you want to deserialize the full Vector, use CanonicalDeserialize for Vec<T>