solana-curve25519 2.2.2

Solana Curve25519 Syscalls
name = "solana-curve25519"
description = "Solana Curve25519 Syscalls"
documentation = ""
version = { workspace = true }
authors = { workspace = true }
repository = { workspace = true }
homepage = { workspace = true }
license = { workspace = true }
edition = { workspace = true }

bytemuck = { workspace = true }
bytemuck_derive = { workspace = true }
# this crate uses `subtle::CtOption<Scalar>::into_option` via curve25519-dalek,
# which requires subtle v2.6.1, but curve25519-dalek only requires v2.3.0
# The line below help users of this crate obtain correct subtle version.
# (that is, the version specified by our workspace or greater minor version, not the version specified by curve25519-dalek)
subtle = { workspace = true }
thiserror = { workspace = true }

[target.'cfg(target_os = "solana")'.dependencies]
solana-define-syscall = { workspace = true }

[target.'cfg(not(target_os = "solana"))'.dependencies]
curve25519-dalek = { workspace = true, features = ["serde"] }

workspace = true