Sonic Configuration
# File: config.cfg
**All available configuration options are commented below, with allowed values:**
* `log_level` (type: _string_, allowed: `debug`, `info`, `warn`, `error`, default: `error`) — Verbosity of logging, set it to `error` in production
* `inet` (type: _string_, allowed: IPv4 / IPv6 + port, default: `[::1]:1491`) — Host and TCP port Sonic Channel should listen on
* `tcp_timeout` (type: _integer_, allowed: seconds, default: `300`) — Timeout of idle/dead client connections to Sonic Channel
* `auth_password` (type: _string_, allowed: password values, default: none) — Authentication password required to connect to the channel (optional but recommended)
* `query_limit_default` (type: _integer_, allowed: numbers, default: `10`) — Default search results limit for a query command (if the LIMIT command modifier is not used when issuing a QUERY command)
* `query_limit_maximum` (type: _integer_, allowed: numbers, default: `100`) — Maximum search results limit for a query command (if the LIMIT command modifier is being used when issuing a QUERY command)
* `query_alternates_try` (type: _integer_, allowed: numbers, default: `4`) — Number of alternate words that look like query word to try if there are not enough query results (if zero, no alternate will be tried; if too high there may be a noticeable performance penalty)
* `suggest_limit_default` (type: _integer_, allowed: numbers, default: `5`) — Default suggested words limit for a suggest command (if the LIMIT command modifier is not used when issuing a SUGGEST command)
* `suggest_limit_maximum` (type: _integer_, allowed: numbers, default: `20`) — Maximum suggested words limit for a suggest command (if the LIMIT command modifier is being used when issuing a SUGGEST command)
* `path` (type: _string_, allowed: UNIX path, default: `./data/store/kv/`) — Path to the Key-Value database store
* `retain_word_objects` (type: _integer_, allowed: numbers, default: `1000`) — Maximum number of objects a given word in the index can be linked to (older objects are cleared using a sliding window)
* `inactive_after` (type: _integer_, allowed: seconds, default: `1800`) — Time after which a cached database is considered inactive and can be closed (if it is not used, ie. re-activated)
* `flush_after` (type: _integer_, allowed: seconds, default: `900`) — Time after which pending database updates should be flushed from memory to disk (increase this delay if you encounter high-CPU usage issues when a flush task kicks-in; this value should be lower than `store.kv.pool.inactive_after`)
* `compress` (type: _boolean_, allowed: `true`, `false`, default: `true`) — Whether to compress database or not (uses LZ4)
* `parallelism` (type: _integer_, allowed: numbers, default: `2`) — Limit on the number of compaction and flush threads that can run at the same time
* `max_files` (type: _integer_, allowed: numbers, no default) — Maximum number of database files kept open at the same time per-database (if any; otherwise there are no limits)
* `max_compactions` (type: _integer_, allowed: numbers, default: `1`) — Limit on the number of concurrent database compaction jobs
* `max_flushes` (type: _integer_, allowed: numbers, default: `1`) — Limit on the number of concurrent database flush jobs
* `write_buffer` (type: _integer_, allowed: numbers, default: `16384`) — Maximum size in KB of the database write buffer, after which data gets flushed to disk (ie. `16384` is `16MB`; the size should be a multiple of `1024`, eg. `128 * 1024 = 131072` for `128MB`)
* `write_ahead_log` (type: _boolean_, allowed: `true`, `false`, default: `true`) — Whether to enable Write-Ahead Log or not (it avoids losing non-flushed data in case of server crash)
* `path` (type: _string_, allowed: UNIX path, default: `./data/store/fst/`) — Path to the Finite-State Transducer database store
* `inactive_after` (type: _integer_, allowed: seconds, default: `300`) — Time after which a cached graph is considered inactive and can be closed (if it is not used, ie. re-activated)
* `consolidate_after` (type: _integer_, allowed: seconds, default: `180`) — Time after which a graph that has pending updates should be consolidated (increase this delay if you encounter high-CPU usage issues when a consolidation task kicks-in; this value should be lower than `store.fst.pool.inactive_after`)