sov-modules-macros 0.2.0

Macros for use with the Sovereign SDK module system


This crate provides Rust macros specifically designed to be used with the Module System. When developing a module, the developer's primary focus should be on implementing the business logic, without having to worry about low-level details such as message serialization/deserialization or how messages are dispatched to the appropriate module.

To alleviate the burden of writing repetitive and mechanical code, this crate offers a collection of macros that generate the necessary boilerplate code.

The following derive macros are supported:

  1. The ModuleInfo: Derives the sov-modules-api::ModuleInfo implementation for the underlying type.
  2. The Genesis: Derives the sov-modules-api::Genesis implementation for the underlying type.
  3. The DispatchCall: Derives the sov-modules-api::DispatchCall implementation for the underlying type.
  4. The MessageCodec: Adds message serialization/deserialization functionality to the underlying type.

The definitions of the traits mentioned above can be found in the sov-modules-api crate.

Example usage:

/// Runtime is a collection of sov modules defined in the rollup.
#[derive(Genesis, DispatchCall, MessageCodec)]
pub struct Runtime<C: Context> {
    accounts: accounts::Accounts<C>,
    bank: sov_bank::Bank<C>,
    sequencer: sequencer::Sequencer<C>,
    some other modules

/// `Genesis` allow initialization of the rollup in following way:
runtime.genesis(&configuration, working_set)

/// `DispatchCall & MessageCodec` allows dispatching serialized messages to the appropriate module.
let call_result = RT::decode_call(message_data)