spark-registry-sdk 0.6.2

SDK for interacting with the Spark Registry failed to build spark-registry-sdk-0.6.2
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See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.

Spark MarketRegistry Contract Rust SDK

The Spark MarketRegistry Contract SDK is designed for interacting with the Spark MarketRegistry contract. There are a set of transactional methods such as deploy, register/unregister owner methods and markets getter method. Given below a detailed explanation of every contract method.

SparkRegistryContract Type

pub struct SparkRegistryContract {
    instance: MarketRegistry<WalletUnlocked>,

Transactional SparkMarketContract Owner Methods

Contract Deployment

pub async fn deploy(owner: WalletUnlocked) -> anyhow::Result<Self>

Deploys a new market registry contract with given owner.

owner The owner of the market registry contract that manages market list.

Returns a new instance of SparkRegistryContract type.

Register new Market

pub async fn register_market(&self, market: ContractId) -> anyhow::Result<CallResponse<()>>

Registers a new market by owner.

self The SparkMarketContract instance. market The market contract id.

Returns a call result

Unregister Market

pub async fn unregister_market(&self, market: ContractId) -> anyhow::Result<CallResponse<()>>

Unregisters a market by owner.

self The SparkMarketContract instance. market The market contract id.

Returns a call result

SparkRegistryContract Getter Methods

Markets Info

pub async fn markets(
        assets: Vec<(AssetId, AssetId)>,
    ) -> anyhow::Result<CallResponse<Vec<(AssetId, AssetId, Option<ContractId>)

Retrieves user account inforamtion.

self The SparkMarketContract instance. assets The asset pair array [(base_asst_id, quote_asset_id)].

Returns an asset pair and optional market contract id array


pub fn config() -> (Option<Identity>, u32);

Retrieves contract configurables.

Returns an Option of owner identity and contract version